Monday, April 16, 2007

One Day Maybe It'll All Make Sense.

The thing I hate about life it's unpredictable. I live in such a way that "conventional" thinking goes out the window. I really don't understand 25% of what goes on in life. I trust God, will not make a move without him and when I try to go against His plan of my life I'm miserable. I don't understand why I have to be in places I want to leave and when an opportunity comes to break out it gets shut down like Tower Records. I don't understand why the many "opportunities" I blow or miss I know in my heart if I obey God and do what He says that really wasn't it. I don't understand why everybody wants me to drop my albums and God has been telling me no. I pre-released Just Dirt but I knew in my spirit it wasn't done and everything on the pre-release wouldn't make the final cut. I know God make us go through things for His purpose and plan that don't make sense to what we want but it's His plan. The trying of our faith worketh patience and that's something we don't want to hear in this fast paced, fast food society. A "microwave" decision can ruin you life. I had to repent of distancing myself because when you do that it's easier to disconnect and walk away from people. Hey, I depend on accountability because I don't even trust myself I just know getting close costs. God always gives us the things He promises but not always the way we want it. The difference is when I do things God's way I have finally learned that it won't be understood by all and that I have to just be satisfied with that. The road is narrow and I know that things that God showed me including the vision I had at ten will come to pass no matter what the circumstances show. I won't do anything unless God instructs me to do it. Thanks for reading family.

John 3:8 KJV, NKJV

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Good Friday (A prelude to the resurrection)

We usually have to go through something intense to finally reach glory and victory. Good Friday is an example of this. After being punched and smacked by soldiers and pharisees, flogged with the cat of nine tails and being sentenced to death, Jesus had to carry his cross through the city. He was shamed and given the death of a criminal. All seemed lost. The disciples had fled into hiding. He had been forsaken and abandoned by all who knew him. It appeared everything he had worked for was over. Yet in 3 days the glory of the resurrection would swallow the shame of the crucifixion. It's in our darkest hour that we are headed into glory. Some things we built in our lives have to die so that they can experience the resurrecting power of God and never be taken again. The crucifixion is painful, long and grueling but the glorious resurrection makes that a mere drop in the bucket. Go through family.

Happy Good Friday

John 3:8
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."