Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Follow Through

It's good to be positive and agreeable with all you speak but... if you don't follow it up with action it was just words. Faith causes works. I know I don't have to remind you what the Apostle Paul said about this. More and more I am seeing people let their words fall to the ground or constantly change what they say because of circumstances. (As usual I say nothing and keep a mental note when this happens.) It seems people care more about how they appear and not about their character.
The Lord started dealing with me a few years ago when I promised something to someone and never got it. He impressed how it reflected on Him not only myself since I was the only representative of Him to that life.
We should make an effort to keep our word and to quickly admit that we can't instead of acting like those words never left our mouth. We will give an account of every idle word so we might as well cut the idleness of our words down by connecting them with action. Sometimes we need to check ourselves with our words and study to be quiet until we make a final decision. We let ideas fly as fact. We say we'll be there for someone and not show up. Those things pierce and they won't say anything but it will be something in the relationship that will effect you later on. We need to be responsible for our words and heed what the book of James says about the tongue.
