Monday, February 09, 2009

If God Doesn't Say It Why Do We Do It?

The older I get the less I get. I wonder how many people among the living are also among the thinking. Much of the information we share with each other is regurgitated rhetoric from some source we "trust". Even Biblical doctrine has sadly become heavily based on this. The myth of tolerance only get the majority view heard and takes that a the norm without proof. The suggestion of personal study as the Bible recommends has fallen to the wayside as the microwave society takes another opinion as their own. This to me has made it frustrating as in the "so-called church" you see souls get moved away as a priority. If a person of a certain look, culture, race or social background comes into a house of worship they are an inconvenience rather than an opportunity to show God's Eternal Life. If they are welcomed the other problem is that they have so much doctrinally shoved down their throats that they run in fear. They are babes and need to be weaned. The culprit is church being a success by numbers of people not in developing successful people. I always felt learning how to live the Christian practically has been missing when training a new believer. Don't get me wrong there are churches getting it done. Not as much as there used to be sadly. Heavy revelations are good but for those starting out they need to know about the gift God gave them. Discipleship is key but has to been done properly if you expect those new disciples to make more. One key problem is that people don't know the basics of the faith. Most ministries teach off of their drives and forget to give the basics. Leaving these disciples open to be pulled by any wind of doctrine because they just don't know. Another reason this is done is selfishness. If you don't have a heart for others you won't do things for them that won't benefit you. But Christ lived that way. This fact to me is the most scariest. There are people who ask why i don't just cut people completely off because of something that was done or perceive done. I always answer why should I? What gives me the right? I know what gives other the right. They are on the throne of their lives and don't see the damage done to The body of Christ by such behavior. Just because you don't stay connected and God moves someone gives no right to cut them off or drag them through the mud with your mouth and actions. Words separate once spoken and even if never verbalized though the parties the weight of them not repented for are a weight between relationships. Most relationship just go on that way. These couldn't exist if we taught the basics of Eternal Life to our new believers. I personally believe if we can't agree on the foundational things agreement concerning anything else will never be possible.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Seeing What God Wants

I am thoroughly convinced that if people understood God in the way scripture shows Him the would be slow to give their synopsis of what they perceive. There are moments when we are not hearing from the Holy Spirit and we move on what we think, would do or how we see a situation. My friend reminded me of something I said a few months ago. I basically said you can't make an elbow a knee. Yes they both bend and do similar things but an elbow on your leg would be out of place and wouldn't work right. I learned to be careful before I speak now. Being a very passionate and emotional person who takes things to heart I must be careful not to engage in things too much that God didn't call me to war in. I've found God raises up people for certain tasks and sometime those things are not your heart. The problem is that we get so passionate and sold out that we want everyone to see what God has called us to do that way. Not going to happen. Does it mean they don't believe in it or support you? Of course not. That's a childish mentality. Remember when you would go to do something wrong when you were a child? You didn't want to do it alone. You would convince and bagger your friends until they went. As Christian adults we shouldn't do that we should find people who want to go with us then we will have people who stay the course because they're heart is in it. There are many things I have the ability to do, then there are things I love to do. Put me behind an instrument, soundboard, training or working with kids and youth then I'm in the zone. Try to make me do things that I can do but don't love I become frustrated and lash out. The problem is that we see a gift or talent in somebody we want to fit them into our call and plans or ride their coattail. Instead we need to ask God what did you create them to do. When I pick people to train I always ask God to show me the hidden ability not developed or mentored yet and then go from there. Needs are real but putting somebody where they won't thrive can be detrimental to not only their gift but Christian walk. Using somebody but no caring what God has for them can birth bitterness. (I have ben there a few times and refused to do it again.) When God shows me something I want to know is it time or should I just start preparing in this season. Timing in life is pivotal. I believe we want somebody who can come into the church and go gung ho instead of training what God has already placed in the house. We wear somebody out physically and mentally and wonder what happened because we did not even watch over who God put in our care. I usually find that when youth are active in a church they fill gaps that lack but most churches don't invest in their future. We need to step back and ask God what to do with what He has placed in our hands and be responsible for it.