Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Leaven of The Pharisees

Holy Spirit has been revealing some things to me since I've been in prayer asking him to reveal his perfect will for my life. As I was reading through the life of Christ again I realized that even Satan had tried to use God's Word twisted by his own agenda against Christ. This was duplicated through the Pharisees who used tradition or what "status quo" religion was for the day against the Word of God made flesh. There is a difference between conviction and condemnation. There is crossing the line and speaking things you have no authority to. The Apostle Paul even retracted words to the High Priest once he was informed who he was. God places people in authority through office and his order. Relationship is not authority. Friendship is not that authority. David would not lay a hand on King Saul. Was Saul wrong? Yes, but David respecting God's authority did not step out of line of God's order. We make judgments when we have no clue what's going on. My closets friends have excellent communication with each other and part of it is really understanding the relationship and the authority that we have with each other. A person crosses the line when they deal in thing that the Lord did not tell them to address or they do not have the authority to address. Another problem is getting advice from other people about a situation they know nothing about or have no authority in. This destroys relationships because now assumption and trying to do the job of Holy Spirit comes into play. From experience the natural and spiritual authority has had the Word from God for my situation because God doesn't violate His own order to accomplish something. When you say and do things that God has not purposed to happen you create wounds and anything else worsens a already sensitive situation. You do not know what is in a person's mind. God is the author and finisher of our faith and he is the one who ultimately know what we really need. Sheep don't correct sheep that is why you have a shepherd. The leaven of the Pharisees is to get he public consensus against what is biblical. It sounds close enough to the truth but it is twisted with another agenda. We need to stop trying to be fruit inspectors and deal with what god gave us to deal with. The Pharisees used their authority to resist the authority of the Son of God and then plotted to kill him when they knew who he was (sounds like the parable of the vineyard owner and his son). That attitude has a form of godliness but is a rebel at heart resisting authority and tearing down to gain superiority, It is self righteous in nature proving itself by it's works but there is not love (agape) which is God himself. It is religious practice. The road of Christ is self denial and humility. Submission to God. Jesus said He only does what He sees His Father do. We can get a bunch of people to agree and call someone out but how often can we restore someone in the spirit of meekness. Do we go into the Word of God to set somebody straight or look into the mirror of the Word and be changed. Only you can answer that honestly and truthfully. Selah.

Matthew 16:12
Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.