Thursday, March 11, 2010

Regaining Focus

I'm really starting to realize that my frustration my whole life has been that the Christianity that I read and studied about in the Bible I have not seen with my eyes on a consistent basis (including myself). What I'm really upset about is that it seems the majority of Christians are not even trying to reach for the Biblical standard of Christianity. The Holy Spirit empowers us to walk this walk but it takes yielding to Him and spending time in the Word and in prayer to become sensitive to His voice and learn what God's standards for living are. Ministry wise what I've run into my whole life is pride and unteachable spirits. Point blank everybody has to prove what they know and not be outdone by you. It's copied from people instead of seeking God and finding out what his Word means from the source. To some people it's a hustle to make a living. What I've learned and began to exercise is an investment into people to see them transformed into God's image. The core of Christianity is the giving of Christ to bridge a relationship to man when sin was separating us from Him. For us it's the giving of ourselves to the Word and to others so they can see Christ in our lives and be transformed seeing his love and compassion and way of doing things. They should see our relationship with God because it is so effecting our lives making such a difference that we stand out to them. It is causing us to love and forgive those who they would cut off. Our reactions and love are not conditional but like God's because we are letting His agape love flow through us. Not the power struggle and the accusing of the brethren we have. Not the disrespect of authority and thinking we will be blessed and justified we have today. Our preachers are not our standard but the Word of God is. We stand for God. God hates sin not people. He sent His Son to separate sin from the people through the free gift of Eternal Life. Instead of seeing a person as an obstacle you need to see them as a person Jesus died for. What have you shown Jesus to be today in their lives? Christianity is not supposed to be caught up in itself but concerned for others even those growing in the faith. People care about services and entity but forget that the church is not an institution. It may be legally , but Biblically it is a people. The selfish nature of sin in our society has been influencing us to make a self centered gospel that is not found in the Bible. Our distorted perceptions has helped twist the Word of God to something He never meant it to be. May we start to take up our crosses daily again and see the big picture. I know what God expects and wants in His church "but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." All creation groans for it.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Day It Becomes A Part of You

When learning an instrument the beginning is a struggle. You are not sure what is what. You have to learn the language and your body has to learn the mechanics. You work and work. Many people settle for lower levels of skill or if the ability serves what they need to do but there is more. If you continue to press and challenge yourself there comes the day when it clicks. What you have practiced and labored through finally becomes natural. The place where others around you take notice. You have honored the God given gift placed on your life and not just dabbled with it. When I play an instrument today there is natural flow like it's always been apart of me but that's something I never take for granted. I still challenge and refine what I have and teach others to do the same. It's the same with your Christian walk. You stumble and learn. You go through and grow then comes "when the Word becomes flesh and dwells among you." When Christ has been formed in a area and you can walk it out naturally. The scripture comes alive and it's no longer cliche or words uttered toward you. Logos has become Rhema. That is where others who are happy to settle for lower levels say that's too much. No it's just the beginning. The Word has shaped and formed you into the image of Christ. Others let the world around them frame them or religious rhetoric, even Christianese but you let the Word of God be your foundation and standard and have waited for the day it becomes a part of you not only something you do."Walk it out" my brother and sisters. God bless.