Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Few Things

1. The Eternal Life Crusade in Salisbury, North Carolina was off the hook. God really moved and divine destiny has started to manifest. It was a great time. Even-though it was a lot of work it was worth it. The hand of Holy Spirit could be seen as he orchestrated a scenario that a Hollywood script writer couldn't match. I've been mastering audio and editing video and have not even touch any Nigeria footage yet. It's amazing what God has done. More will be coming to other cities and countries.

2. Whatever you try to hide in darkness comes to the light. After Praise Conference God told me to shut up about a lot of things and let Him work it out. The beginning of this process has been shocking enough but the Lord has already shown me i need to fasten my seat-belt. The year ended with me coming clean with everything and finally admitting things I hid in front of my church congregation. With nothing left to hide I'm not scarred of anything that is about to unfold.

3. I'm traveling again. If you're trying to get with me and I step out of the country or state I will not be at my 718 number but only my private cell 732. I haven't been home that much in the last two months and maturity does not start to play a role for some people I won't even have time when I am home. I said it. It's in print and deal with it because my schedule is about to get way more hectic than it's ever been. My loyalties have been stated and if you try to manipulate or change them you will become the weakest link thus having to be cut off. I hold no grudges in life but, I don't waste time. If you have no clue why I'm saying this it's not you I'm talking to (unless you're in denial. LOL). Basically when God calls me to move I just move and personal feeling may be hurt but we all have to learn to grow up and remember everyone is not called to do what we do but what God has purposed them for before the foundation of the earth. We need to see things from His point of view and not ours and that may call for us to die to ourselves in areas. I had a tough, cleansing and sobering 2006 and NOBODY, NOTHING or ANY CIRCUMSTANCE is going to stop me from being what God has destined. I'm a dude with nothing to lose right now and I MEAN IT. Don't try me because God has dropped the scoop on a few of you already. I love you but I will never choose anyone over God. BELIEVE THAT!


John 3:8

Monday, January 15, 2007


Funny how you're neglected until you do something without somebody else. Last year I posted a blog on MySpace about the vision I had when I was ten (I didn't disclose any details.) I vented my frustration about being spiritually abandoned and feeling that I was being stifled in my spiritual growth and denied what God promised me in the vision at ten because I was left to be subject to others opinions and perceptions. I often wrestled with moving on with my life due to the fact that people want to reap where they have not sown. I stated in a earlier blog that if I didn't have the natural talents that people wouldn't even deal with me at all.

As the process of life continues I realize all of that is irrelevant. Why concern myself and strive. Part of Eternal Life is living by the grace of God. We can't earn, deserve or work for what God gives us in Eternal Life. When someone puts a legalistic price-tag on this life we need to beware. We can start in the Spirit and end in the flesh.




Those are NOT the characteristics of Eternal Life.

Phil. 2:12 "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

But we usually stop here but the scripture continues on to make a important statement:

2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

(NLT)12 Dearest friends, you were always so careful to follow my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away you must be even more careful to put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.

I can't do it. It is Eternal Life that works in me to do the will of God. As I study, pray and learn of this life God will give me the power to manifest this life on the earth. Well I don't want to give too much so that's all until next time.

John 3:8