Thursday, October 25, 2007

Full Circle (Part 2)

Well after a lot of praying and seeking God I've been refocused in my walk. I really have a lot in my spirit to communicate that continued blogs won't give justice to. I have a reason to write again. Songs, lessons, poetry and anything God has gifted me with to communicate the gospel truth. It reminds me of why I was doing things in the first place. It's a decision to let the Word of God to determine how I live not my personal mindset of belief. It's very humbling but I have had to be humbled and realize the faults I see in others they see in me and that the enemy uses us to accuse each other since that authority has been stripped from him because of the blood of Jesus. We stand blameless before God because of what Jesus did. I was listening to The Allies on my way to church and tears came to my eyes because I realized that I don't hunger and thirst after God like when i first heard those songs many years ago. It's because I bought a lie that is against God's Word. I have succumbed to mindsets and lifestyles that violate the very things God stands for. I have put my ideologies before God's Word and thus made an idol of my own opinion in some areas. I believe certain events that wasted my time this year would not have happened if I had been walking as I should. I might not have even agreed to do some things. The past is just that, the past an unchangeable chain of events which the blood of Jesus has already wiped the guilt and shame away. The only focus we should have is forward to press to the high call and not compromise the path God has set for us before the foundation of the earth for anything. Thanks for reading.
