Here are some of the following clues to see if you are suffering from Christianease.
It easy to fall into. It's just habit forming. Lol.
Instead of saying hello you say...
"Praise the Lord."
When you don't want to do something instead of saying no you say...
"I'll pray about it."
You use the excuse of the need of knowing about something to intercede to gossip
You're offended by anything non "churchy"
Your church lingo has caused problems with communicating with the average person
You condemn people for sins Jesus already payed for
Your co-workers have no clue who "the enemy" is but smile and act like they do
You want the whole Christian world to run on your perspective
You never follow through with anything you say you're gonna do.
You think technology is of the devil
Instead of developing integrity and character you just rather be "rapture ready"
You follow your, your church's or your denomination's doctrine over the Bible
These are a few symptoms but these can be cured by having a real relationship with Jesus and reading the bible for yourself.