Saturday, July 21, 2007


There are many way you are seen and operate depending on the relationships and purposes that God has for your life. These are the "boxes" that people put you in. There are many "giftings" that God has placed in my life but there is a calling that goes beyond my ability and is my destiny. My love for multiple genres of music has always kept me from getting what I call one dimensional. There are so many aspects of music that even those who do it don't try to understand because it doesn't relate to them. The same thing with things in people's lives around them. The selfish nature of man seeks for what they can relate to and gravitate in people around them. The uniqueness of an individual is not celebrated but opposed because we determine things by what Apostle Paul calls the "vanity of our minds" and label it God. What happens when we do that is we can damage what God wants in a individual's life based on what we have deducted and not being led by the Spirit of God what to speak into a life. Our words have the power to build and destroy. Jesus said, "My words are spirit and life." Any words not from God must naturally produce death. Since we can serve in different capacities as we minister in different places we confuse somebody's "service" to us as their call. For example for one of my friends I am just a servant to his ministry but they recognize the call of God on my life even though around them that is what I do. To some people I'm just a beat maker. To other people I'm just an engineer. Some people see my talent and ignore the spiritual gifts God have placed in my life. Does that supposed to effect us. No. Does it many times. Yes. What if Jesus based His whole ministry on the response of his hometown. He would have quit. We do that a lot. The town did not receive what Jesus had and it had nothing to do with Him. When our peers, fellow church members and etc. reject the gifts god placed on you they miss out. We are vessels to pour out God life and love but the recipient must receive it. Jesus had great miracles but when people get close to you they know by the flesh (which is not the real you but only a house) they think they already know you. That's not the real you. The real you is your Spirit. You body (flesh) will die and be buried on earth. You will get a new body in heaven. What people judge you by is not the real you. Don't let somebody's reaction to what they want from your life stop you. Whatever God tells you to do must be non-negotiable. Nobody should have the authority to change what He commands you to do. What people do is judge you and use you to fulfill what they want. They try to play you soft for humbling yourself and being a servant. I cry for them because the very thing they sow they will reap harder than they sowed it. It's time to do what God has called us to do no matter if we need to change something, cut people off or not do what everybody thinks you should be doing. We have the Holy Spirit to be led from our hearts and not any outside source. God's will for our lives should be Non-negotiable.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Fingers Pointing Back

We don't usually like to confront the you that only you know. You parade around using your image and activity to cloak the very thing holding you back. That is until your wake up call happens. For me that was Saturday. In the middle of a session, just passing through a corridor, just in a simple conversation I got hit. You know God is telling somebody to tell you something when they don't know your business and read you like a open novel going past simple religious rhetoric and piercing the heart (the true you screaming to be let out). Your wants, your desires, your fears, your doubts and your excuses collide and smash together and all are disintegrated by Biblical truth you claim to live by. A lot of people say stuff and give you unwanted "advice" but this is different it's not what somebody else has deduced, sized up or envisioned for you it's what God wants. It lines up with His word, His nature and His character. It's easy to make comparisons and rate yourself better than somebody but that's not the true measuring stick. It's the three fingers pointing back that get us because when we judge it's a reminder ours is coming. We are going to get a taste of what we evaluate from the outside first hand. Normally we just cry "God why?" without checking ourselves to see if this is an attack from the enemy or something we've sown. It's easy for us to get people to conform to our ways and not consider them but what happens when the boomerang comes back. We want change but we won't change what we're doing and expecting different results. We're settling instead of waiting for God's best. We're moving on emotion instead of being led by the Spirit. We're refusing to let God heal the hurt and prepare us for what He has for us. We can look at others but we should never forget the fact of the fingers pointing back.
