Friday, March 06, 2009

Let's Just Be Honest

Jesus said His words are spirit. We know words have the power to create and destroy. Even if you don't hear the words from a person when you finally do hear them they still have the effect of a Mike Tyson punch in your gut. That feeling is rejection. I grew up feeling that way. Joseph felt that way from his brothers words and eventually their actions were a culmination of what was in their hearts. Yes this is when then "honeymoon period" is over and the true thoughts of the heart are revealed. These words create distance. I even seen people who have spoken these thing wonder why somebody has distanced themselves. Let's be honest we think because something is said "behind closed doors" or in our inner circle that they will not effect anything. Not true. That's one reason God is going to make us account for every idle word. (I myself being very verbal have a lot to account for.) If we are only as good as our word we are all in trouble. God doesn't edit our conversations for our benefit (though I wished it worked that way). Our private words lead to public action just like Joseph's brothers. A problem with what we speak is how we believe or think. We belittle people and think we are better than them. A true leader know a follower is 50% of what they are so a sense responsibility is in place. A true leader disciples while other so-called leaders use. You can tell the difference once the "honeymoon period" is over. A lack of concern for God's people lets us be flippant with our words. We are truly only concerned with us and ours only. True we can only do so much for others but most of us do nothing. Our contempt will always surface giving what i call a "red flag" of warning. We need not sow it. But also to protect ourselves we must look to God for acceptance and what we need and see people as vessels who can miss it. If we had it all together we wouldn't need Jesus would we?

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