Thursday, October 28, 2010

Settling Into A New Season

Everyone has a standard they live by and one they are aspiring to live by. There are many things in life that cause you to choose. Most of the time the average person compromises. This opens the door to the trap "what if". Other times we tell somebody we heard heard God to find out later it wasn't true. Then we are faced with a choice to settle to save face for our mistakes or move out into what God purposed for us by doing the right thing though it doesn't seem or feel right to others involved. We can't let others "interpret" what God is saying to us and try every "prophetic word" delivered in our direction. It must line up with the Word of God and witness to what God has instructed us. With that said change into a new season is never comfortable and there is a temptation to stay with what you're familiar with. These changes in season are designed to release you from things, end relationships that can't go into your next season and connect you to new things and people for the net season. Many people and things try to hang on but if they are not willing to aspire to the new spiritual standard in your life they won't last.

Spiritual hunger is something that really shows this difference. When you start hearing things like "don't preach to me and thanks for the message" when you are conversing about the things of God know that the relationship has changed and that person won't have the same access because their hunger for the things of God are not as deep as yours at that time. It's not a condemnation just a momentary fact. Sharing what the Word has done for you and discussing what God is speaking is essential. What you teach and share with others is what you will remember. When that is not possible frustration begins to set in. A person who is really not interested in that may be able to pretend for a while but will tire of your talk like that. The "dumper" (person who dumps on you but doesn't listen to you at all) will always try to bring it back to themselves or try to correct you all the time. We need iron sharpens iron relationships in our lives where we can fellowship and share the Word and learn from one another and grow in Christ. A hunger and spiritual appetite is one of the main things I look at in looking for lifetime covenant partner as well. It is often imitated but never duplicated.

Another thing that may change is mentors. Now a mentor is not a peer but someone you will never satisfy because they will do whatever is necessary for your success. If a former mentor has given all they can into your life new ones will come to guide you through new season. An addition of mentor may not mean that you will lose the ones who you have had though.

Some friendship are seasonal and though they won't be lost they may change. Recognize the friendships that are the most important in this season but do not neglect the other ones. Some friendships may have to end. Don't let this get you bitter just let it go. Don't let you emotions, dependancy or sentiment drive you when your relationships begin to change. Seek the Lord and don't let your feelings get out of control. Your friends might not "get" what's going on in your life but that's o.k. just keep focused and let love be your motivation. The love walk is crucial in these times and keeps you from burning bridges you may need in future seasons.

First and foremost your focus should stay on the author and finisher of your faith Jesus. He will guide you. He will not tell you what he has placed in someone to tell you, but those people can't tell you what He "will" tell you. Honor the process. Honor those He places in your life. Obey what He instructs. Believe and walk in faith and you will see the promise. Keep Him as you main focus.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's Go (NBA Mix)

My new single "Let's Go" set to some of the nicest NBA plays. Want more? Check out Cinemascapes at God Bless.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marriage: The Way I See It

Sigh *Takes A Deep Breath* Today I'm going to be honest on how I view marriage. Being in my 30s never married and still a virgin I am really surprisingly am not anxious about it. In fact after Bible College I went through a time of not wanting to be married. Point blank I feel marriage is the 2nd most important decision after salvation. Why? Because the person God has to "complete" you is pivotal to your destiny. I've been called to full time ministry. As glamourous as some ministers have made it appear it's an occupation of an acquired taste in that it's definitely NOT for everybody. Your spouse has to be settled and really o.k. with that. Thinking that you will be married to a minister and not involved with that is RED FLAG number one. I've been in many relationships I thought was God because of what I saw. Then God told me to end because the bottom line was those relationships would have pulled me away from what He called me to do at ten. Everybody has their reasons for wanting to be married. The one that promote fear are not the good ones. Physical and social reasonings are shallow and definitely not good reasons. I personally believe you CAN be unequally yolked with a believer if they don't have the same standards and SPIRITUAL goals as you. There has to be agreement. Two can't even walk together unless they agree on where they want to go. (RED FLAG number two.) I believe you need to connect in the SPIRIT first. If God doesn't join you together the whole endeavor will be in vain because in the hard times only what God has ordained will not be shaken from your life. Is romance and the other stuff good. OF COURSE but the foundation of anything that lasts is God and His Word. Many try to connect through the soul (mind, will and emotions) through things in common. People even when that doesn't work feel they can change somebody or just look at what they need selfishly and not about the covenant. (RED FLAG number three). There is no instant happily ever after, but there is a covenant and work. Our relationship with our spouse is like ours with God in that we exchange strength for weaknesses. The one who has mastered something is there to cover the others weakness there and not to prove they are right. The marriage covenant increases spiritual power exponentially (and not just doubles it). Lack of agreement saps a covenant of the very power God has given it to stand. (Remember RED FLAG number 2?) A healthy marriage lets both involved fulfill their God given destiny as the man protects and the wife nurtures. Your spouse speaks to the KING in you and builds that which does not feed the FOOL in you. All this while treading the storms and seasons of life. There is an equal commitment to God then to each other, God is the only one that comes before each other. In fact He's the one that even holds your marriage together, Your spouse is your first ministry after God. That's why when a church, career, kids, etc. is given that place the spouse feels slighted, You are one flesh so you're actually disrespecting yourself when you do that. Those are just some things as I see them I am by no means saying that's everything but I just felt to share that today. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts, God Bless.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Untitled (A Poem)

Fail have I battling my weakness in the past my days of old.
My tears may wash my face but only Your blood can wash clean my soul.
I surrender finally after resisting so long.
Only when I give You my life can my past be truly gone.
Mold me and shape me I submit to your will.
Let me be Your hands and feet so others can be healed.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Phill Keaggy Philly Live 09 Let Everything Else Go

This song really helps me keep life in perspective. This DVD was stolen from me and I haven't been able to replace it. Thank God for somebody posting this on Youtube. The part I relate to is at the end when Phil adds something that's not on any other version of the song. "All the pride of men laid low, especially my own." Obeying Jesus and eventually hearing well done may translate into us dying to some thing we want or really thought we needed. It's a reminder to hold on to JESUS and let everything else go.