Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Are MY Desires and What Is HIS Will?

I know. Maybe that’s the problem. I know my knowledge has cost me some things over the years. My refusal to just settle is alive and well but what am I reaching for? Am I trying to force something God doesn’t want because I can’t let go? Perhaps maybe my life goals for ministry are the only things I have truly put before the Lord and I’m trying to hang on to everything else. Like I’ve said before when you truly love (someone, something or somewhere) you don’t stop loving you just move on realizing that won’t be a part of your life. I am not afraid anymore. I don’t mind detours or mistakes. I just don’t want to add my two cents to what God says because what He’s telling me I can’t see (with my eyes) yet but He knows my future. Yes when God says something I wrap what’s around me to it even though I know better. I don’t know who or what can enter my life tomorrow but I try to decipher what God means. I’m really trying to stop that. I know what He’s speaking. Instead of just taking it as it is and waiting on Him am I trying to interpret it? I need to release my stress of always wanting to know with this analytical and technical mind to childlike faith. I grew up without my father and I’m just learning how to to trust one. He is the heavenly one who is always trustworthy. Feel free to chime in if you want. I’m always open. 

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