Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Things I posted on Twitter in no type of order.

 Somebody who will tell me the truth in love and not give me a pass when I try to avoid doing what's right. #YouCare

 Being a great communicator. Where there is open communication there is less room for assumption & misunderstanding.

 A beautiful spirit. You just feel God when you're around them. She walks with Him.

Humility. You know who you are in Christ and that speaks. Not self-centered trying to prove who you are.

When I see how a woman conducts herself and want my children to have character like that. #righteous #holy #true

Somebody who is who God created them to be and not trying to be what i want them to be. The password is completion

 Someone who loves and follows God passionately and un-apologetically. That fires me up. 

 Eyes. They are the gates to the soul.

Maturity. Every moment in feeling in life is not ideal. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow. I can be wrong

When I can have a discussion about the Word of God with someone and not be accused of preaching. They live it too.

Just some random thoughts I threw out there. I might make a more refined one in the future.... might. 

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