Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Rest In His Pressence - Cjon D. Patterson

Check out this video: Never Alone - Cjon D. Patterson f/ Bishop Virgil D. Patterson

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Once in a lifetime there comes someone who has a profound effect on your life . Cjon Patterson was that individual. Personality, talent, character and just pure joy just begin to describe him. He entertered into eternity yesterday and anyone who knows him will never be the same. We miss you already.


P.S. Above is one of the many song we were blessed with that Cjon wrote. If you never heard the music ministry of Cjon Patterson you owe it to yourself to check it out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Are You Willing To Be The Change You Want To See In Others?

Your perspective of life will determine how you "interpret" the events of life. We have a choice when we experience things of how we will do things. Our personal mindset determines how this will happen. We either choose to be a leader or a follower in life. As a leader we take responsibility for our own actions but as a follower we tend to continually blame everyone else for where we are. The truth is that we are the sum total of all the choices we have made in our lives. We like to blame people who have done things to us for the reasons we are not satisfied with our lives. STOP IT! Get over it. Forgive and move on with your life. If you would just take the time to stop moping and moaning and put that effort into self development and making yourself into the person you want others to be. A sad truth is that most people want everyone else to change but want to stay the same. It doesn't work. Staying the same or stagnation is really falling behind if everybody moves on. I will tell you the truth if you start changing many of your friends may change. People may not want to be around you anymore (you can only pretend for a season). But the person you have become will attract people like you. (We don't like to admit that.) Why are we trapped in relationships we can't escape? Why do we hate the people around us? It's our fault. We have made our lives. The first step to success is to take responsibility and do something to change it. Do we still go around wearing diapers at 20 years old? Does your mother still tie your shoes and make you formula? We make changes in life when circumstances change but when it will help us we don't like to do it. It takes the mindset of a leader to begin to grasp this. Taking responsibility forces us to take a look at ourselves. It shatters our self image. The first step is to love yourself the way God loves you. He tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves and many of us can't do that because we don't love ourselves. God loves us with an unconditional love. We condemn others because we condemn ourselves. Our self image shouldn't be based on what others see, what we do and how we see ourself. It should be based on what God says about us only. When we have that straight that will also from being quick to accuse and degrade other people and/or reputation. The reason some people are the way they are is because of deep and hidden inner hurt. When we deal with ourselves many problems we have with others when we let the Word of God deal with the heart of the matter. The Bible says this in Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it? The Word of God will reveal this we can never know about ourselves. Once this is revealed we can start applying God's Word to take us in the right direction. Thanks for reading.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Full Circle (Part 2)

Well after a lot of praying and seeking God I've been refocused in my walk. I really have a lot in my spirit to communicate that continued blogs won't give justice to. I have a reason to write again. Songs, lessons, poetry and anything God has gifted me with to communicate the gospel truth. It reminds me of why I was doing things in the first place. It's a decision to let the Word of God to determine how I live not my personal mindset of belief. It's very humbling but I have had to be humbled and realize the faults I see in others they see in me and that the enemy uses us to accuse each other since that authority has been stripped from him because of the blood of Jesus. We stand blameless before God because of what Jesus did. I was listening to The Allies on my way to church and tears came to my eyes because I realized that I don't hunger and thirst after God like when i first heard those songs many years ago. It's because I bought a lie that is against God's Word. I have succumbed to mindsets and lifestyles that violate the very things God stands for. I have put my ideologies before God's Word and thus made an idol of my own opinion in some areas. I believe certain events that wasted my time this year would not have happened if I had been walking as I should. I might not have even agreed to do some things. The past is just that, the past an unchangeable chain of events which the blood of Jesus has already wiped the guilt and shame away. The only focus we should have is forward to press to the high call and not compromise the path God has set for us before the foundation of the earth for anything. Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Is It Me?

It just seems this year has just been one of those years that everything has seemingly fallen apart. It's like being a child on a amusement ride screaming make it stop but the ride has just begun. But when I look around it seems EVERYONE I know has had a hard cross to bear. Whether the lost of a business, things, a loved one or a combination of all the above it seems the foundations of our faith are being tested. Fire for a believer is a purifying agent where for those who are against God it is a consuming force. People mistake purification for punishment. What I mean by that is people determine who you are based on what you go through and that is not fair or accurate. The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust which means when it pours down (situations and circumstances) we all are gonna get wet. We all are going to go through things we don't understand. We all will go through seasons of loss, but in those times we need to draw closer to our Father and rely on His word. It is important to remember that your testimony is what you say while being tested. You words of faith or unbelief determine the outcome. Is what you saying helping you through or hurting you more. Are you giving in to doubt and unbelief and speaking failure into your life. Determine no matter what I will not fall into the trap of speaking something God has not said into my life.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

The "So-called" Disapointments of Life

In this world the sad truth is that your peers never truly accept you as a authority on anything even if your track record shows they should. I find it takes an extraordinary person or your "soul-mate" to see value in you at the peer level. Me and a bunch of friends went out after a Christian event with now a "former" close friend. Every time I saw this dude after high school he would try to choke down my throat what he was doing. I was with a new friend then and they wondered why the person acted like they didn't know me. (Which was the subject between a few of us when he didn't come the next time.) It was hilarious to me because until it was brought up I really didn't think or care about it until I was asked and replied there is nothing I can do about another's actions. The sad part of life (and I've been guilty of this) is that we try to change or control (manipulate) people. We try to change people's habits to fit how we approach them. We want them to be influenced by our influences. We want them to reflect our vision for them. I'll give an example. I never check my phone messages unless it's a call with no texting capabilities. People just leave messages as if I will change for them when my message warns them of this and instructs them to leave a text. (I'm usually in a session, church or somewhere I can't use my phone.) The funny thing is they get upset when I have no clue about what they're telling me because I didn't check my messages. We demand from peers but never listen. We force friends to do stuff and find they really don't respect us. We do them big favors and get pissed on (excuse me but I need to make a point with that). The sad thing is these mindsets and peer conflicts are because we connect our identity to what we do. My first "friend" disrespected me when I stopped rapping in 1999 and started calling me rap deficient no not because of his concern, but because he felt he was losing a free engineer and free beats (which he never got or was getting I might add). This attitude comes from the very root of sin. Let me ask. What sin was there in the garden of eden? No fornication, murder, stealing or etc. It was selfishness and pride the same thing that got Satan kicked out of heaven. ("You will be as gods..." when they were made in the image of God.) I is in the center of sIn. The other sins are because of that. Fornication is selfish because you don't want the responsibility of a covenant but you want sexual gratification. Lust is selfish because it's about how another person turns you on. I can go down the list and prove the root of sin is selfishness and pride. This is why as true Christians God calls us to die to ourselves so He can work through us. When you die to yourself you could care less what people do to you. You feel sorry because God is your defender and has put the law of seedtime and harvest in effect as the earth remains. We can let God make our lives or make our own lives. The sad part is when we make ourselves we don't have the power to maintain it. "When it all falls down" we know God didn't make it because He didn't maintain it. When God makes us the "so-called" disappointments of life won't touch us because we know we are not what we do but rather we are who God says we are, we have what He says we have and we can do what He says we can do.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Put Away The Pacifiers

We all have experiences in life that we feel aren't fair. I thought the absence of a father and the many "circumstances" were excuses for my bad habits and people blaming. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I tell you as I watched my mother follow God when it was hard, give when we had nothing and start a business basically on nothing but faith and saw God move it taught me something. It taught me either I was going to do what God said in every area of my life to the best of my knowledge at the time or I would just make excuses and blame others for my short falls. We as humans let each other down on a regular basis and no matter what life will come with hard times. The choice is will we do what God says. Is Jesus enough? Are we trying to label our own ambitions as God? Are we willing to forgive? Mercy is shown to the merciful. God says to forgive to be forgiven. I watched so many people over the years try to make it and blame everybody else when difficulties come. The Bible says it will rain on the just and unjust so everybody is going through something. Life with Jesus is not the absence of problems but the ability, mindset and spiritual fortitude to overcome them. I fail people as much as people fail me. "Cursed is anyone who trusts in man." We need to look to God as the only source and put away our pacifiers. I had to realize the past is gone and when my dad and mom remarried after 23 years that I can't recapture my childhood but have to have a relationship with my father from this point on. I can't blame the ignorance of my life and lack of teaching when truth comes in to correct. Many people love to try to correct but never receive correction. God chastens (corrects) the ones he loves. We need to not be babes when it's time for us to be eating strong meat. We control our lives. Make a change and get the beam out of the way before we reach for our brother's spec.


Saturday, August 04, 2007

No Excuses

Well it seems like that when you think you have an excuse God is very quick to take them away. While in a very challenging year all I ended up with people straight disrespecting me for whatever reasons. This year has probably given me more reasons to give up and leave the N.Y.C. tri-state area than any before. But God never tells you to look at them but yourself. The responsibility of your joy, happiness and your destiny is you. If you are with God nothing can stop you. we usually try to make something work while God is saying slow down get into my plan. It's so funny while people are disrespecting and gossiping on one side God has been opening doors of blessing on the other side. Though some trials have weighed me down they have help get rid of things that would have hindered me. Ronnie Joe Harrison taught me the only place between you and failure is an altar. That has where I have been humbling myself taking things I would walk away from. Some seasons in my life are about to permanently close not because I want them to but because it's time. When you use and abuse people God only let it happen for a season. I hold no grudges and have moved on with life. But seeds sowed and reaped I have nothing to do with. Cursed is anyone who puts their trust in man. I trust God and I will do what he will have me to do period. Judas has taken me to my cross a place of dying to myself. The sad part is he'll hang himself before the day of the resurrection.


Saturday, July 21, 2007


There are many way you are seen and operate depending on the relationships and purposes that God has for your life. These are the "boxes" that people put you in. There are many "giftings" that God has placed in my life but there is a calling that goes beyond my ability and is my destiny. My love for multiple genres of music has always kept me from getting what I call one dimensional. There are so many aspects of music that even those who do it don't try to understand because it doesn't relate to them. The same thing with things in people's lives around them. The selfish nature of man seeks for what they can relate to and gravitate in people around them. The uniqueness of an individual is not celebrated but opposed because we determine things by what Apostle Paul calls the "vanity of our minds" and label it God. What happens when we do that is we can damage what God wants in a individual's life based on what we have deducted and not being led by the Spirit of God what to speak into a life. Our words have the power to build and destroy. Jesus said, "My words are spirit and life." Any words not from God must naturally produce death. Since we can serve in different capacities as we minister in different places we confuse somebody's "service" to us as their call. For example for one of my friends I am just a servant to his ministry but they recognize the call of God on my life even though around them that is what I do. To some people I'm just a beat maker. To other people I'm just an engineer. Some people see my talent and ignore the spiritual gifts God have placed in my life. Does that supposed to effect us. No. Does it many times. Yes. What if Jesus based His whole ministry on the response of his hometown. He would have quit. We do that a lot. The town did not receive what Jesus had and it had nothing to do with Him. When our peers, fellow church members and etc. reject the gifts god placed on you they miss out. We are vessels to pour out God life and love but the recipient must receive it. Jesus had great miracles but when people get close to you they know by the flesh (which is not the real you but only a house) they think they already know you. That's not the real you. The real you is your Spirit. You body (flesh) will die and be buried on earth. You will get a new body in heaven. What people judge you by is not the real you. Don't let somebody's reaction to what they want from your life stop you. Whatever God tells you to do must be non-negotiable. Nobody should have the authority to change what He commands you to do. What people do is judge you and use you to fulfill what they want. They try to play you soft for humbling yourself and being a servant. I cry for them because the very thing they sow they will reap harder than they sowed it. It's time to do what God has called us to do no matter if we need to change something, cut people off or not do what everybody thinks you should be doing. We have the Holy Spirit to be led from our hearts and not any outside source. God's will for our lives should be Non-negotiable.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Fingers Pointing Back

We don't usually like to confront the you that only you know. You parade around using your image and activity to cloak the very thing holding you back. That is until your wake up call happens. For me that was Saturday. In the middle of a session, just passing through a corridor, just in a simple conversation I got hit. You know God is telling somebody to tell you something when they don't know your business and read you like a open novel going past simple religious rhetoric and piercing the heart (the true you screaming to be let out). Your wants, your desires, your fears, your doubts and your excuses collide and smash together and all are disintegrated by Biblical truth you claim to live by. A lot of people say stuff and give you unwanted "advice" but this is different it's not what somebody else has deduced, sized up or envisioned for you it's what God wants. It lines up with His word, His nature and His character. It's easy to make comparisons and rate yourself better than somebody but that's not the true measuring stick. It's the three fingers pointing back that get us because when we judge it's a reminder ours is coming. We are going to get a taste of what we evaluate from the outside first hand. Normally we just cry "God why?" without checking ourselves to see if this is an attack from the enemy or something we've sown. It's easy for us to get people to conform to our ways and not consider them but what happens when the boomerang comes back. We want change but we won't change what we're doing and expecting different results. We're settling instead of waiting for God's best. We're moving on emotion instead of being led by the Spirit. We're refusing to let God heal the hurt and prepare us for what He has for us. We can look at others but we should never forget the fact of the fingers pointing back.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Singles Are We Really Ready?

I know that sometimes people don't understand what a person goes through because we don't communicate it clear enough. Tonight I'm going to take on a personal subject in my life and won't be using names other than my own. There are things people are anxious for and marriage is a big one. We all heard the cliches and the rhetoric that goes along with your single life. What we are never taught are two important things. Build the person you are stronger in Christ and to be led by God in every decision. I think marriage is the second most important decision behind your salvation because that covenant will have an everyday effect on your destiny. With that said let's get personal and explore things that mess us up on the quest..

1. Past Hurt
I being a musician am more emotional than the average guy. But after being manipulated I have hid these expressions behind a stone wall and won't let you in unless you pass important preliminary tests. (Yes that is wrong but go with me I do have a point.) Ah number one we have taken the place of God and now using our little mindset and the things we see to determine if you can even get a fair shot. This is wrong because the person you are dealing with now didn't cause the pain that developed your defense mechanism. You are trapped in a past hurt and until you forgive you will never get past point A. You will relieve the situation even if in reality they are nothing like your ex. Get over it. God is the mender of broken hearts and you're getting a harder heart every relationship.

2. Compromise
Have you ever experienced that you meet the one and they have everything you want in a person except they're not saved. Why should that matter? A covenant that is unequally yoked will be a bondage and life killer to the Christian involved. The kids seeing the conflict will become confused about what to believe and won't have consistency. It is better for both parents to believe the same thing going in. Getting saved after marriage is another blog altogether. The most important point is that falling for the trick shows your "significant other" that they can get you to compromise and that they can slowly pull you away from being "religious". They won't tow the line because you don't.

2b. What about when God says no. We know he says no and we try to make it work anyway. I have hardheadedly gone through this procedure more than once. One day I coming the next day I'm retreating because instead of being obedient I'm being double minded and I'm unstable in all my ways. The other party ends up frustrated because it appears you can't make up your mind. This is the worst form of compromise because you have taken it upon yourself to act on something that God has clearly not blessed. Just wait and trust Him you don't know who you missed messing with someone God told you to leave alone. It's like trying to mix oil and water.

3. The Wrong Mentality of Marriage
You think marriage is a take, take, take and you never give or you marry somebody and try to change them afterwards. If they don't respect their family they won't respect you after the "honeymoon period" is gone. If you are not happy now marriage won't change that. If you expect your spouse to be the source of joy (and not God) you have set yourself up for divorce. She is not your slave. He is not your verbal punching bag. Get in the Word of God and find out what marriage is. The head (the man) is always the servant. The wife is the multi-tasker and the nurturer. The two together bring balance to each other. Find out your Biblical role and find joy in serving God and being who he created you to be. Don't wait for marriage to find out what it takes.

I know it's long but since I can't talk right now, I'll type.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Resolve, Love and Emotions

After a shocking week and a Tylenol popping weekend I finally thought of something to blog about. We all have choices and destiny to fulfill and to get something different we have to do something new we never done before. Most people struggle to hold on to houses possessions and the appearance of success. But we never consider what God really wants for us. Most of the time we make our plan and put God in it instead of seeking his face. Most people let go of relationships that are distant from them but most of my friends live no where near NY. It takes a level of maturity and determination to keep those going. Most people want something from you and want you to give up everything when they won't do that for you. Some people are moved and connected by emotion and think that's enough to base a friendship and covenant on. Yes emotions are involved but when they are the driving force of a relationship that sets you up for divorce and failure. To last at anything you must have resolve. Love is a decision not a emotion. Unconditional love goes beyond a person's actions and is not moved. The number one example is God's love for us. If an action can change how you feel about someone it's emotionalism. The closer we get to God the more we understand love because He IS love. Check out 1 Corinthians 13 and see if your feelings or relationships line up with that. If actions change how people feel about you there was really nothing solid there in the first place. The truth is even when I stop hanging with somebody after a conflict if I truly love them that will never stop. There's people I love that I know I can never be with because it wouldn't be healthy for both of us but the love I have for them has always remained. I just learned how not to let my emotions control my decision process and to seek the Lord. Even if you make a wrong turn in people's eyes love should still be there. I know people want to give you advice based on what they want or see but if you do that you just bought their lifestyle for yourself. It time to think outside the box people and learn to bed led by God no matter what the cost may be because people won't see the benefit until down the road when the evidence of the decision made is manifested. Thanks for reading.

John 3:8

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pretense (A Poem)

Here we are avoiding what we really want to say
Believing these issues will just go away
But in reality they grow worse

So we poker face not saying much day by day
But inside it just eats away
It just leaves hurt

Will it take a harsh reality of division
For someone to make a mature decision
Or will it be too late?

Will there need to be another exodus like Egypt
Before anybody will really see it
Is this our final fate...?

©Shamik Jones

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

60 Questions - A New Questionare

1. What are your initials?

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
Jeans a tee and a basketball jersey

3. Last thing you ate?

4. I say Shotgun, you say:
I'm driving 9 times out of 10 so it don't matter

5. Last person you hugged?
A friend

6. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
How would I know?

7. Name something you like physically about yourself.
My brain.

8. The last place you went out to dinner to.

9. Who is your best friend?
Every real friend I have.

10.Why are you still up?
I just finished prepping for some mixes

11. Who/What made you angry today?
The fact that the world is cold and unforgiving.

12. Favorite type of Food?

13. Favorite holidays:
4th of July

14. Do you download music:
Legally from iTunes

15. Do you care if your socks are dirty?

16. Would you date the person who posted this?
Maybe. I Dunno

17. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?

18. Do you love anyone?

19. Do you like Bush?
I don't really know him personally, so I don't have an opinion.

20. Have you ever bungie jumped?

21. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?

22. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?

23. Have you met a real redneck?

24. How is the weather right now?
Clear and mild

25. What are you listening to right now?
The music on my profile

26. What is your current favorite song?
Unbreakable - Alicia Keys

27. What was the last movie you watched?
Blades of Glory

28. Do you wear contacts?

29. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

30. What are you afraid of?
Being manipulated.

31. How many piercings have you had?

32. How many pets do you have?

33. What's one thing you've learned this year?
Real friends understand. Fake friends disappear when hardship comes.

34. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Hot chocolate with soy milk or Refresh Tea

35. Have you ever fired a gun:

36. Are you missing someone?:

37. Favorite TV show?

38. Do you have an iPod?:

39. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
Reuben Stoddard, Sinbad

40. Who would you like to see right now?
Can't say here.

41. Favorite movie of all time?
So many to choose from..........I don't know

42. Do you find yourself loved?
At times

43. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
Yes, too many times

44. Favorite flower?

45. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Butter and salted

46. What Magazines are you reading?
MacWorld, Keyboard, Modern Drummer

47. Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?
Too many people.

48. What's something that really bugs you?
Not accepting people for who they REALLY are.

49. Do you like Michael Jackson?
Again I don't know him personally so I have no opinion about him.

50. What's your favorite smell?
The countryside after it rains

51. Favorite baseball team?

52. Favorite cereal?
Honey Comb

53. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
72 hours and fell asleep at a special youth service in NJ (I was a teen)

54. Last time you went bowling?
2 years ago

55. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
In a 15 passenger van in a rest stop

56. Who was your last phone call?
My mom

57. Last time you were at work?
Last week

58. What's the closest orange object to you?
Winnie the pooh on a cover

59. Is there something big on your mind?
Yes, but it's private

60. Is there something important you need to talk to someone about?
Yes, but I won't because it doesn't matter anymore.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Real Problem

Many people blame their problems on others. I am often guilty of this but the truth is external annoyances are just an addition to an inner turmoil that we don't like to admit to. The real problem starts in what the Bible calls the "vanity of our minds" where we "interpret" events into our own thought patterns and belief systems. We even exalt this over the Word of God when we make our own decisions. The truth is we make life decisions on whims and feelings a lot of times. We never let patience complete it's perfect work and when things don't turn out like we want we turn to everyone but ourselves. I have let things just happen when I should've spoke up. Knowing it would not be received well I just said forget it and "play along" to my frustration. I'm tired of everybody having answers that never seem to work. I refuse to think that everything is an attack and that sometimes we are just reaping what we have sowed. We forget the seed we have sown and the judgments we have made of others when our test and trials come. Our self righteous and justifying nature kicks in to miss the lesson thus putting us back at step one of the lesson. This year I have been disappointed deeply. I really just want to learn what I need to and move on. I don't know what lies ahead but I personally want major change. What ever happened to impartation and inheritance. People want you to do what they did. We repeat history and really there's no true advancement next generation. If God is in control why does someone have to control you? The real problem is that everyone needs to take the mirror of the Word of God and handle the thing God gave them to handle, themselves.

John 3:8 KJV, NKJV

Thursday, May 03, 2007

40 questions minus 1

Bored so I did it.

40 questions about Yourself
Be HONEST no matter what.

1. What is your natural hair color?
dark brown

2. Where was your default pic taken?
my kitchen

3. What's your middle name?

4. Your current relationship status?

5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
who knows

6. What is your current mood?
thinking and problem solving

7. What color underwear are you wearing?

8. What makes you happy?
being understood

10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
the day I came home from Ohio

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?

12. Ever had a near death experience?
When I was 7. I stopped breathing twice.

13. Something you do a lot?
play piano, sing, sound

14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
Platform - Kevin Max

16. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
Joyce Michelle

17. When was the last time you cried?
monday night - tuesday morning

18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

19. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Refresh Tea of Hot Chocolate with soy milk

20. What's your biggest secret?
I can't tell that.

21. What's your favorite color?

23. When was the last time you lied?
When I said I happy in NY,NJ

24. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
Power Puff Girls baby!!

25. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

26. Do you speak any other language?
ebonics (lol)

29. What's your favorite smell?
The countryside after it rains

30. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be?

31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?

32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?

33. What are you thinking about right now?
How I'm going to solve and audio problem

34. What should you be doing?
Solving this audio problem

35. What was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
Being alienated because of lack of "spirituality" by certain members of my family.

36. How often do you pray?
every day (not long always)

37. Do you like working in the yard?
No. I a tech and gadget man.

38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
Jones because I like it and already have it.

39. Do you act differently around your crush?
Yes, I clam up and don't know how to break the ice.


Monday, April 16, 2007

One Day Maybe It'll All Make Sense.

The thing I hate about life it's unpredictable. I live in such a way that "conventional" thinking goes out the window. I really don't understand 25% of what goes on in life. I trust God, will not make a move without him and when I try to go against His plan of my life I'm miserable. I don't understand why I have to be in places I want to leave and when an opportunity comes to break out it gets shut down like Tower Records. I don't understand why the many "opportunities" I blow or miss I know in my heart if I obey God and do what He says that really wasn't it. I don't understand why everybody wants me to drop my albums and God has been telling me no. I pre-released Just Dirt but I knew in my spirit it wasn't done and everything on the pre-release wouldn't make the final cut. I know God make us go through things for His purpose and plan that don't make sense to what we want but it's His plan. The trying of our faith worketh patience and that's something we don't want to hear in this fast paced, fast food society. A "microwave" decision can ruin you life. I had to repent of distancing myself because when you do that it's easier to disconnect and walk away from people. Hey, I depend on accountability because I don't even trust myself I just know getting close costs. God always gives us the things He promises but not always the way we want it. The difference is when I do things God's way I have finally learned that it won't be understood by all and that I have to just be satisfied with that. The road is narrow and I know that things that God showed me including the vision I had at ten will come to pass no matter what the circumstances show. I won't do anything unless God instructs me to do it. Thanks for reading family.

John 3:8 KJV, NKJV

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Good Friday (A prelude to the resurrection)

We usually have to go through something intense to finally reach glory and victory. Good Friday is an example of this. After being punched and smacked by soldiers and pharisees, flogged with the cat of nine tails and being sentenced to death, Jesus had to carry his cross through the city. He was shamed and given the death of a criminal. All seemed lost. The disciples had fled into hiding. He had been forsaken and abandoned by all who knew him. It appeared everything he had worked for was over. Yet in 3 days the glory of the resurrection would swallow the shame of the crucifixion. It's in our darkest hour that we are headed into glory. Some things we built in our lives have to die so that they can experience the resurrecting power of God and never be taken again. The crucifixion is painful, long and grueling but the glorious resurrection makes that a mere drop in the bucket. Go through family.

Happy Good Friday

John 3:8
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Broken (A Poem)

Here I am with shattered dreams
Here I am with unfulfilled plans
All I depended on stripped away
All my dreams slipping away like sand

I clung to temporal things and times
I thought I knew the script and life turned
the page
Broken and discarded my life appears
All I have left is my trust in You.

Yahweh you are my strength in this
You are the professor in these lessons
of meekness
Even when my world is being torn apart
You still want to be the only possessor
of my heart

Shamik Jones
John 3:8 KJV, NKJV

Monday, March 12, 2007

Read This And Share It Please.

A Must Read for All.....
Who have children or grandchildren


After tossing her books on the sofa, she decided to
grab a snack and get on-line . She logged on under
her screen name By Angel 213. She checked her
Buddy List and saw GoTo123 was on.
She sent him an instant message:

By Angel 213:
Hi. I'm glad you are on! I thought someone was
following me home today. It was really weird!

LOL You watch too much TV. Why would someone
be following you? Don't you live in a safe

By Angel 213:
Of course I do. LOL I guess it was my imagination
cuz' I didn't see anybody when I looked out.

Unless you gave your name out on-line.
You haven't done that have you?

By Angel 213:
Of course not. I'm not stupid you know.

Did you have a softball game after school today?

By Angel 213:
Yes and we won!!

That's great! Who did you play?

By Angel 213:
We played the Hornets. LOL. Their uniforms
are so gross! They look like bees. LOL

What is your team called?

By Angel 213:
We are the Canton Cats. We have tiger paws
on our uniforms. They are really cool.

Did you pitch?

By Angel 213:
No I play second base. I got to go. My homework has
to be done before my parents get home. I don't want
them mad at me. Bye!

Catch you later. Bye

Meanwhile...GoTo123 went to the member menu
and began to search for her profile. When it came up,
he highlighted it and printed it out. He took out a pen
and began to write down what he knew about Angel
so far.

Her name: Shannon
Birthday: Jan. 3, 1985
Age: 13
State where she lived: North Carolina

Hobbies: softball, chorus, skating & going to the mall.
Besides this information, he knew she lived in Canton
because she had just told him. He knew she stayed by
herself until 6:30 p.m. every afternoon until her parents
came home from work. He knew she played softball on
Thursday afternoons on the school team, and the team
was named the Canton Cats.

Her favorite number 7 was printed on her jersey.
He knew she was in the eighth grade at the Canton
Jr. High School . She had told him all this in the
conversations they had on- line. He had enough
information to find her now.

Shannon didn't tell her parents about the incident on
the way home from the ballpark that day. She didn't
want them to make a scene & stop her from walking
home from the softball games. Parents were always
overreacting & hers were the worst. It made her wish
she was not an only child. Maybe if she had brothers
& sisters, her parents wouldn't be so overprotective.

By Thursday, Shannon had forgotten about the footsteps
following her. Her game was in full swing when suddenly
she felt someone staring at her. It was then that the memory
came back. She glanced up from her second base position
to see a man watching her closely.

He was leaning against the fence behind first base & he smiled
when she looked at him. He didn't look scary and she quickly
dismissed the sudden fear she had felt.

After the game, he sat on a bleacher while she talked to the
coach. She noticed his smile once again as she walked past
him. He nodded & she smiled back. He noticed her name on
the back of her shirt. He knew he had found her.

Quietly, he walked a safe distance behind her. It was only a
few blocks to Shannon 's home, & once he saw where she lived
he quickly returned to the park to get his car .

Now he had to wait. He decided to get a bite to eat until
the time came to go to Shannon 's house. He drove to a
fast food restaurant and sat there until time to make his move.

Shannon was in her room later that evening when she
heard voices in the living room.

"Shannon, come here," her father called. He sounded upset
& she couldn't imagine why. She went into the room to see !
the man from the ballpark sitting on the sofa.

"Sit down," her father began, "this man has just
told us a most interesting story about you."

Shannon sat back. How could he tell her parents anything?
She had never seen him before today!

"Do you know who I am, Shannon ?" the man asked.

"No," Shannon answered.

"I am a police officer and your online friend,

Shannon was stunned. "That's impossible! GoTo123
is a kid my age! He's 14. And he lives in Michigan !"

The man smiled. "I know I told you all that, but it wasn't true.
You see, Shannon , there are people on-line who pretend to be
kids; I was one of them. But while others do it to injure kids &
hurt them, I belong to a group of parents who do it to protect
kids from predators. I came here to find you to teach you how
dangerous it is to talk to people on-line. You told me enough
about yourself to make it easy for me to find you. You named
the school you went to, the name of your ball team and the
position you played. The number and name on your jersey just
made finding you a breeze."

Shannon was stunned. "You mean
you don't live in Michigan ?"

He laughed. "No, I live in Raleigh . It made you
feel safe to think I was so far away, didn't it?"

She nodded.

"I had a friend whose daughter was like you. Only she wasn't
as lucky. The guy found her & murdered her while she was
home alone. Kids are taught not to tell anyone when they are
alone, yet they do it all the time on-line. The wrong people trick
you into giving out information a little here and there on-line.
Before you know it, you have told them enough for them to find
you without even realizing you have done it. I hope you've
learned a lesson from this and won't do it again. Tell others about
this so they will be safe too?"

"It's a promise!"

That night Shannon and her Dad and Mom all knelt down
together and thanked God for protecting Shannon from
what could have been a tragic situation.


Please send this to as many people as you
can to teach them not to give any
information about themselves

This world we live in today is too
dangerous to even give out
your age, let alone
anything else.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Time to kill the rumors!!!

Rumor 1:
Shamik has a girlfriend in Ohio

Response: if you have a girlfriend and only go to see her once or twice a year or she never visits you at all the relationship doesn't exist. So you do the math.

Rumor 2: Shamik is working on a rap album

Response: Yep.

Rumor 3: Shamik is a player.

Response: Ask any "friend" or reliable source and you will find I'm just a busy workaholic. I don't have time for a relationship that is not serious.

Rumor 4: Shamik is not a virgin.

Response: I never kissed a girl on the lips. What do you think? (I am being extremely sarcastic in this blog, but yes I am still one.)

Rumor 5: Shamik uses Jack Bristow from "Alias" as an alias.

Response: True I "poker face" all you heads who try to manipulate, sabotage and play games with me. Remember Jack gets the job done even to his own hurt. All he cares about is what's best for Sydney.

Rumor 6: Shamik is an introvert.

Response : If that's true why does it seem like I get to know almost everybody everywhere I go. (Usually the ones I don't get to know are avoiding me anyway.)I know this you only talk to those who converse with you. Why try to make a fan of a non-fan and waste time when you can build with heads that are already feeling you.

Rumor 7: Shamik is dependent on prestige and position to make something of his life.

Response : HA HA HA. I'm a native New Yorker and we don't give a crap about what you think. It's about principle with me. I will lose everything and not care just to prove a point, not be manipulated or just because you ticked me off. There is nothing I can't walk away from and that takes the power out of everybody else's hands.

Final Words
Truthfully I have always believed that 80% of my relationships were established because of my ability and I hate that. (I could be wrong.) Why can't people just get to know each other for who they are. No we have to change everybody into us. The only image I want is God's . If I copy you it's just a copy of a copy.

John 3:8

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Few Things

1. The Eternal Life Crusade in Salisbury, North Carolina was off the hook. God really moved and divine destiny has started to manifest. It was a great time. Even-though it was a lot of work it was worth it. The hand of Holy Spirit could be seen as he orchestrated a scenario that a Hollywood script writer couldn't match. I've been mastering audio and editing video and have not even touch any Nigeria footage yet. It's amazing what God has done. More will be coming to other cities and countries.

2. Whatever you try to hide in darkness comes to the light. After Praise Conference God told me to shut up about a lot of things and let Him work it out. The beginning of this process has been shocking enough but the Lord has already shown me i need to fasten my seat-belt. The year ended with me coming clean with everything and finally admitting things I hid in front of my church congregation. With nothing left to hide I'm not scarred of anything that is about to unfold.

3. I'm traveling again. If you're trying to get with me and I step out of the country or state I will not be at my 718 number but only my private cell 732. I haven't been home that much in the last two months and maturity does not start to play a role for some people I won't even have time when I am home. I said it. It's in print and deal with it because my schedule is about to get way more hectic than it's ever been. My loyalties have been stated and if you try to manipulate or change them you will become the weakest link thus having to be cut off. I hold no grudges in life but, I don't waste time. If you have no clue why I'm saying this it's not you I'm talking to (unless you're in denial. LOL). Basically when God calls me to move I just move and personal feeling may be hurt but we all have to learn to grow up and remember everyone is not called to do what we do but what God has purposed them for before the foundation of the earth. We need to see things from His point of view and not ours and that may call for us to die to ourselves in areas. I had a tough, cleansing and sobering 2006 and NOBODY, NOTHING or ANY CIRCUMSTANCE is going to stop me from being what God has destined. I'm a dude with nothing to lose right now and I MEAN IT. Don't try me because God has dropped the scoop on a few of you already. I love you but I will never choose anyone over God. BELIEVE THAT!


John 3:8

Monday, January 15, 2007


Funny how you're neglected until you do something without somebody else. Last year I posted a blog on MySpace about the vision I had when I was ten (I didn't disclose any details.) I vented my frustration about being spiritually abandoned and feeling that I was being stifled in my spiritual growth and denied what God promised me in the vision at ten because I was left to be subject to others opinions and perceptions. I often wrestled with moving on with my life due to the fact that people want to reap where they have not sown. I stated in a earlier blog that if I didn't have the natural talents that people wouldn't even deal with me at all.

As the process of life continues I realize all of that is irrelevant. Why concern myself and strive. Part of Eternal Life is living by the grace of God. We can't earn, deserve or work for what God gives us in Eternal Life. When someone puts a legalistic price-tag on this life we need to beware. We can start in the Spirit and end in the flesh.




Those are NOT the characteristics of Eternal Life.

Phil. 2:12 "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

But we usually stop here but the scripture continues on to make a important statement:

2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

(NLT)12 Dearest friends, you were always so careful to follow my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away you must be even more careful to put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.

I can't do it. It is Eternal Life that works in me to do the will of God. As I study, pray and learn of this life God will give me the power to manifest this life on the earth. Well I don't want to give too much so that's all until next time.

John 3:8