Friday, November 16, 2007

Are You Willing To Be The Change You Want To See In Others?

Your perspective of life will determine how you "interpret" the events of life. We have a choice when we experience things of how we will do things. Our personal mindset determines how this will happen. We either choose to be a leader or a follower in life. As a leader we take responsibility for our own actions but as a follower we tend to continually blame everyone else for where we are. The truth is that we are the sum total of all the choices we have made in our lives. We like to blame people who have done things to us for the reasons we are not satisfied with our lives. STOP IT! Get over it. Forgive and move on with your life. If you would just take the time to stop moping and moaning and put that effort into self development and making yourself into the person you want others to be. A sad truth is that most people want everyone else to change but want to stay the same. It doesn't work. Staying the same or stagnation is really falling behind if everybody moves on. I will tell you the truth if you start changing many of your friends may change. People may not want to be around you anymore (you can only pretend for a season). But the person you have become will attract people like you. (We don't like to admit that.) Why are we trapped in relationships we can't escape? Why do we hate the people around us? It's our fault. We have made our lives. The first step to success is to take responsibility and do something to change it. Do we still go around wearing diapers at 20 years old? Does your mother still tie your shoes and make you formula? We make changes in life when circumstances change but when it will help us we don't like to do it. It takes the mindset of a leader to begin to grasp this. Taking responsibility forces us to take a look at ourselves. It shatters our self image. The first step is to love yourself the way God loves you. He tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves and many of us can't do that because we don't love ourselves. God loves us with an unconditional love. We condemn others because we condemn ourselves. Our self image shouldn't be based on what others see, what we do and how we see ourself. It should be based on what God says about us only. When we have that straight that will also from being quick to accuse and degrade other people and/or reputation. The reason some people are the way they are is because of deep and hidden inner hurt. When we deal with ourselves many problems we have with others when we let the Word of God deal with the heart of the matter. The Bible says this in Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it? The Word of God will reveal this we can never know about ourselves. Once this is revealed we can start applying God's Word to take us in the right direction. Thanks for reading.


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