Monday, January 07, 2008

Matters of The Heart

I'm one who usually can let things go easily and just move on. We all have made mistakes and I figure it's better to just move on and just let the past go since at this point you don't have the power to change it or anybody else. But there is a dynamic of our past that go beyond our sheer will power and we need to surrender that thing to God. I was recently reminded of that fact recently as the new year began. The heart has a memory when it remembers something you feel the pain of it all over again. It's paralyzing. It's at this point that you let hurt get too far that it has made an imprint on your heart. At this point you must surrender it to God. It's letting the Holy Spirit taking you through the process you need to go through to remove that thing. Whether you want to admit it or not it has power over you. It will be the one thing the enemy will use to detour you when God's plan and purpose was finally clear to you. It will cause you to second guess your decisions you were sure about based on something you can't change. The past should NEVER determine your future. You can't change the past so stop trying to. It's not your fault. You have to leave that thing behind and stop letting it be a bondage to your life. You have to move on and follow God's direction from this point. This is something that we as the Body of Christ have to learn, SIN HAS BEEN PAYED FOR. Whatever you did, do or will do has been taken care of by the cross. The deception and what manipulative people want you to think is even though I'm saved I have to pay for this thing anyway in the flesh. NO. Yes there is sowing and reaping but the Bible also talks about the fact that it rains on the just and the unjust. That means certain things in life will happen to you regardless. A person's circumstance is not determined by a person's past. The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and all those other things mentioned in the parable of the sower are after THE WORD of GOD! It's not about you personally, it's about stopping you from doing what God has placed you in the earth to accomplish. It's the enemy's plan to get hurt and bitterness in your heart to slow you down or destroy what God has for you. Start 2008 with a new beginning as you're supposed to. Leave the past behind for good. Tell those who want to remind you of it to shut up and be who God says you are, an overcomer, the head and not the tail, blessed and highly favored. Amen.


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