Friday, September 12, 2008

Proving Grounds

We often go through life seeking for things on the exterior to prove what we have accomplished, learned and or experienced. The more you study human just in general most of your peers hardly ever accept anything you say or do. It's a fact. Usually when God changes and something in my life or moves me to something new the majority of people I lose in my life are friends and peers. This may birth an attitude steaming from that becoming an offense. I'll do this, get this, learn this and it will prove either I'm right or my point. This is a trap of the enemy we all may fallen into. First and foremost our approval should come from God and what he says about us. People's opinions about us change like the weather. Someone who sings your praise the next day will be gossiping about your ignorance the next. Our true proving grounds should be the mirror of the word not knowledge, accomplishments, accolades or reputation. Christ being formed in us is God's plan. His character and nature being live through us as an example to man kind manifested so that men could see the Lord in us and be drawn to Him is His purpose. Children have taught me how to spot a fake because they know. Jesse Duplantis said something years ago that I live by> He said you don't have to agree with what I preach but I do. I have to live what I preach. Children look to see if you're as good as your word. If your word is no good then you're no good. Listen to what people say then see if it matches what they do. If they are not genuine you will see an inconsistency because they are trying to get the upper hand by telling you anything. Sometime it's good just to practice to be silent. I love to read the Word of God and sit a meditate on it. I've learned to only share what He wants me to share and that it doesn't matter what people think i know or don't know. Maturity is having the ability to do something but having the wisdom to know when or not to use that ability. Mature musician could play circles around people but instead they are tasteful. Unless the music calls for it they won't release like gangbusters. When our approval come from God we won't play Holy Spirit Jr. (got that from Mike Murdock). We will be confident to let Holy Spirit complete the work He is doing in someone else. Listen, watch and pray and God will show you who is in your life and why. God will give opportunities for things to manifest and in the end since your confidence is in God you will be mature enough to love and accept and not condemn.

God bless,

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