Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Trap of Criticism

The difference between the filmmaker and the critic is that one invests time, resource and passion while the other sits on their behind does nothing but run their mouth about what somebody else did and gives their opinion of it. Most people question everything but never have a working knowledge of why people do what they do. You can research and learn about anything but until you try to do something you never really find out what the cost is. I've not only made but have helped on album projects. The average person has no clue of how much work is involved in producing any kind of album. There are many phases you have to go through. The danger with a media that tells you to speak you mind and is critical of everything is they invite people to speak out in ignorance. You words frame your world. That's how God set it up.

Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

That's what Jesus said. Your words may be keeping you in that situation. When God gives you what you believed for and it is established the habitual peaking of death framed your world. When you speak God's Word it frames your world but it has to be consistent. One reason our speech is not consistent is because we are double minded concerning what we believe. We mix worldly philosophy with the Word of God and expect results. We we don't see them we become more unbelieving.

James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

What we believe determines how we live and what we speak. When we live in a culture of condemnation and judge others that's the seed we are sowing to return to our own life. It's a trap! Most people blame Satan for things happening in their life but they open the door to it themselves.

Luke 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

You determine the harvest in your life by the seed you sow. There are different seed for difference harvest in your life. Your mouth plants seeds. I'm going to leave you with some scriptures about the tongue.

Proverbs 15:4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.
Proverbs 15:2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
1 Peter 3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
Psalms 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.
Psalms 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 21:23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


It's not a word people like but you do it in life all the time. Do you still as an adult walk around in diapers and drink out of a baby bottle. Of course not unless you have a circumstance that requires it but that's not a common practice. We love and embrace our changes. We like to broaden others horizons. But the thing that can strain a relationship is when we don't honor and respect the change in others. We all have our mindsets for living. If you are a Christian this is supposed to be shaped by the Word of God. The fact is we mix philosophy, tradition and many other things with the Word to make our mindset and then want others to see it that way. God creates people for purposes and assignment and those "quirks" and nuances that some of us try to get rid of in a person is needed. The goal of the Word of God is to renew your mind from the world's way of thinking and to form Christ in you. This does not give everyone the same gifting, talents and personality. The world has created a stigma against those who want to live by the Word of God. When you live what you say there is no hypocrisy the problem comes when you claim to live as a Christian and don't. When somebody keeps a standard they are labeled "holier than thou" because of the changes in their life. As a child I thirsted to see people who really lived out this Christianity that was taught to me from the pulpit. I studied and seeked God fervently. I wanted examples in my life and was disappointed. As I grew up and pursued being a minister I found many Christians didn't believe God in a sense that the Bible described him and settled into something I personally call "Christianease". I also discovered that when you didn't agree with certain Biblical belief in groups your were omitted. The Word of God never came into play. As people mature into what the Word says this change in them changes who is around them if their current circle doesn't thirst for truth and just answers that stimulate their philosophy. What I found if you are unteachable and closed off to the change of the Word of God and basically following other streams of thought and trying to balance that and Christianity you are heading into a trap. God has presented us with an opportunity to have a relationship with him. A daily fellowship. He doesn't want our relationship with him to be based on ministers or other people. He wants us to grow and be led by the Holy Spirit. He wants us to fellowship with other believers for encouragement and strength but wants us to draw closer to Him and not them for what we need. He wants the change in our life to come from fellowship with Him and His Word. The closer I get to God the more I respect the power of choice. That's what God gives to us. "Chooes ye this day who you will serve." You see how far you go with God is your responsibility. When we point fingers and disapprove of people's changing we fall into the trap of selfishness which doesn't take responsibility for it's actions. God loves us unconditionally regardless but He still gives us a choice to either be changed by His Word or embrace the lie of this world system. As I say in one of my songs, "Don't believe the lie."

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Trust and Honor

The biggest thing that is quickly leaving the American society is honor. The "right" to disrespect and question authority has opened a cesspool of cursing in our country. Many of these taught through the actions of others or rather reactions. The truth is honor is not about the people you honor but about honoring God. When you honor your parents you honor God for the first decision made concerning you. The truth is what we dishonor in our lives we tell God you made a mistake. Instead of growing in the Word, speaking the Word and living the Word we have made excuses of why we didn't get a fair break. The selfish state of sin and other people's decisions may cause difficulties in our lives but the results of our life are what we have done with God's Word. When we don't honor God and who he says to honor it shows we don't trust Him. We like to call out hypocrites and look outwardly but we do not control other people we only control our own choices. As a kindergarten teacher I remember the first thing when a child learns the rules they want to enforce them on others. A mature person later in life makes the decision that they will follow the rules even when others are not. It shows the level of spiritual maturity when we try to put things on other people or want them to live to our "standards" and linking our honor to that. God says honor the position I set them in despite the flaws. David did this with King Saul. It may have been a difficult walk but when the dust settled God honored Him for his trust and honor.

Scripture addresses this issue in

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

2 Peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
11 Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;.

When we don't honor God's authority and order we set ourselves up against Him. When we speak against and dishonor authority we go against how God has called us to live. We have taken on the nature of this world system. We need to examine ourselves and let honor and trust return in the House of God.

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jeff Lorber George Duke Tune 88

Jeff Lorber and George Duke TOGETHER. *Faints* Just watch.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tony Royster-Daniel Moore Pure Energy Musica Sharda

I found my Tony Royster Jr. Pure Energy DVD this morning. Here's a taste for my music lovers. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Quick Thought.

The apathetic person blames life on circumstances and refuses to change.
Instead they place the blame on everything else. Basically they just want
to release themselves from responsibility and still hold others

Tommy Walker Lord I Run To You

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Settling Into A New Season

Everyone has a standard they live by and one they are aspiring to live by. There are many things in life that cause you to choose. Most of the time the average person compromises. This opens the door to the trap "what if". Other times we tell somebody we heard heard God to find out later it wasn't true. Then we are faced with a choice to settle to save face for our mistakes or move out into what God purposed for us by doing the right thing though it doesn't seem or feel right to others involved. We can't let others "interpret" what God is saying to us and try every "prophetic word" delivered in our direction. It must line up with the Word of God and witness to what God has instructed us. With that said change into a new season is never comfortable and there is a temptation to stay with what you're familiar with. These changes in season are designed to release you from things, end relationships that can't go into your next season and connect you to new things and people for the net season. Many people and things try to hang on but if they are not willing to aspire to the new spiritual standard in your life they won't last.

Spiritual hunger is something that really shows this difference. When you start hearing things like "don't preach to me and thanks for the message" when you are conversing about the things of God know that the relationship has changed and that person won't have the same access because their hunger for the things of God are not as deep as yours at that time. It's not a condemnation just a momentary fact. Sharing what the Word has done for you and discussing what God is speaking is essential. What you teach and share with others is what you will remember. When that is not possible frustration begins to set in. A person who is really not interested in that may be able to pretend for a while but will tire of your talk like that. The "dumper" (person who dumps on you but doesn't listen to you at all) will always try to bring it back to themselves or try to correct you all the time. We need iron sharpens iron relationships in our lives where we can fellowship and share the Word and learn from one another and grow in Christ. A hunger and spiritual appetite is one of the main things I look at in looking for lifetime covenant partner as well. It is often imitated but never duplicated.

Another thing that may change is mentors. Now a mentor is not a peer but someone you will never satisfy because they will do whatever is necessary for your success. If a former mentor has given all they can into your life new ones will come to guide you through new season. An addition of mentor may not mean that you will lose the ones who you have had though.

Some friendship are seasonal and though they won't be lost they may change. Recognize the friendships that are the most important in this season but do not neglect the other ones. Some friendships may have to end. Don't let this get you bitter just let it go. Don't let you emotions, dependancy or sentiment drive you when your relationships begin to change. Seek the Lord and don't let your feelings get out of control. Your friends might not "get" what's going on in your life but that's o.k. just keep focused and let love be your motivation. The love walk is crucial in these times and keeps you from burning bridges you may need in future seasons.

First and foremost your focus should stay on the author and finisher of your faith Jesus. He will guide you. He will not tell you what he has placed in someone to tell you, but those people can't tell you what He "will" tell you. Honor the process. Honor those He places in your life. Obey what He instructs. Believe and walk in faith and you will see the promise. Keep Him as you main focus.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's Go (NBA Mix)

My new single "Let's Go" set to some of the nicest NBA plays. Want more? Check out Cinemascapes at www.shamikjones.com. God Bless.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marriage: The Way I See It

Sigh *Takes A Deep Breath* Today I'm going to be honest on how I view marriage. Being in my 30s never married and still a virgin I am really surprisingly am not anxious about it. In fact after Bible College I went through a time of not wanting to be married. Point blank I feel marriage is the 2nd most important decision after salvation. Why? Because the person God has to "complete" you is pivotal to your destiny. I've been called to full time ministry. As glamourous as some ministers have made it appear it's an occupation of an acquired taste in that it's definitely NOT for everybody. Your spouse has to be settled and really o.k. with that. Thinking that you will be married to a minister and not involved with that is RED FLAG number one. I've been in many relationships I thought was God because of what I saw. Then God told me to end because the bottom line was those relationships would have pulled me away from what He called me to do at ten. Everybody has their reasons for wanting to be married. The one that promote fear are not the good ones. Physical and social reasonings are shallow and definitely not good reasons. I personally believe you CAN be unequally yolked with a believer if they don't have the same standards and SPIRITUAL goals as you. There has to be agreement. Two can't even walk together unless they agree on where they want to go. (RED FLAG number two.) I believe you need to connect in the SPIRIT first. If God doesn't join you together the whole endeavor will be in vain because in the hard times only what God has ordained will not be shaken from your life. Is romance and the other stuff good. OF COURSE but the foundation of anything that lasts is God and His Word. Many try to connect through the soul (mind, will and emotions) through things in common. People even when that doesn't work feel they can change somebody or just look at what they need selfishly and not about the covenant. (RED FLAG number three). There is no instant happily ever after, but there is a covenant and work. Our relationship with our spouse is like ours with God in that we exchange strength for weaknesses. The one who has mastered something is there to cover the others weakness there and not to prove they are right. The marriage covenant increases spiritual power exponentially (and not just doubles it). Lack of agreement saps a covenant of the very power God has given it to stand. (Remember RED FLAG number 2?) A healthy marriage lets both involved fulfill their God given destiny as the man protects and the wife nurtures. Your spouse speaks to the KING in you and builds that which does not feed the FOOL in you. All this while treading the storms and seasons of life. There is an equal commitment to God then to each other, God is the only one that comes before each other. In fact He's the one that even holds your marriage together, Your spouse is your first ministry after God. That's why when a church, career, kids, etc. is given that place the spouse feels slighted, You are one flesh so you're actually disrespecting yourself when you do that. Those are just some things as I see them I am by no means saying that's everything but I just felt to share that today. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts, God Bless.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Untitled (A Poem)

Fail have I battling my weakness in the past my days of old.
My tears may wash my face but only Your blood can wash clean my soul.
I surrender finally after resisting so long.
Only when I give You my life can my past be truly gone.
Mold me and shape me I submit to your will.
Let me be Your hands and feet so others can be healed.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Phill Keaggy Philly Live 09 Let Everything Else Go

This song really helps me keep life in perspective. This DVD was stolen from me and I haven't been able to replace it. Thank God for somebody posting this on Youtube. The part I relate to is at the end when Phil adds something that's not on any other version of the song. "All the pride of men laid low, especially my own." Obeying Jesus and eventually hearing well done may translate into us dying to some thing we want or really thought we needed. It's a reminder to hold on to JESUS and let everything else go.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Twitter Real Talk Session 9-13-10

ppl will take error b/c of sum1's popularity & reputation but reject the truth from God wrd. Make God & His wrd yr final authority.about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

Obeying God is what's important and not what people think.#lifelessonabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

People won't let go or something they need to because they have something to prove. Jesus never fell into the trap of proving himself.about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

Jesus obeyed what The Father told Him to do and stayed in constant communication with Him. #lifelessonabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

We go through things we don't have to because of a lack of humility aka pride.about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

Humility is controlled strength. Having to prove who you are in Christ may be a clue that you still don't know who you are in Christ.40 minutes ago via TweetDeck

We force people to jump through more hoops in religion than that's necessary. A new creature is a new creature. Holy Spirit is the refiner.39 minutes ago via TweetDeck

We need to obey God. Believe and trust that He is able to open the doors we need opened. #BeLedByTheHolySpirit34 minutes ago via TweetDeck

We need to see things the way God sees them. We need to see ourselves the way God sees us.#RenewYourMindWithTheWordOfGod32 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.Matthew 4:431 minutes ago via TweetDeckRetweeted by you and 7 others

When we understand how God sees us proving ourselves is unnecessary and doing His will becomes a joy not a burden.#lifelesson29 minutes ago via TweetDeck

I made a choice to help develop what God has placed in people for His glory and not my benefit. That's what God has called me to do.24 minutes ago via TweetDeck

We can obey Him no matter what people may say. In fact we won't pay attention to what people are saying anymore.28 minutes ago via TweetDeck

When we are secure in God nothing will move us from what He tells us to do. We are focused and in communion with Him. His will be done.26 minutes ago via TweetDeck

When somebody shines for Christ we all as His Body shine.22 minutes ago via TweetDeck

God's view keeps you from being insecure if you never see the limelight and keeps you humble to support and pray for the ones who are.21 minutes ago via TweetDeck

1. Trust God that He will fulfill what He has promised. 2. Do you part and OBEY what He instruct you to do. 3.Be secure in His love for you.14 minutes ago via TweetDeck

I spent years trying to prove something, jumping through religious hoops and giving up on God's dream for nothing. Don't do it. #TrustMe12 minutes ago via TweetDeck

You will never do enough to please people and then they won't even appreciate the sacrifices you made and dump in the midst of your pain.10 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Because you are supposed to trust in GOD not what people will give you for helping them. You do those things as unto the Lord. He rewards u.9 minutes ago via TweetDeck

God ONLY will never disappoint, hurt or fail you. We need to give people our forgiveness and stop trying to make them what they are not.1 minute ago via TweetDeck

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Twitter #RealTalk Session

When you move into the next season of your life the last season can't hang no matter how hard it tries. No worries.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

You have to let go things of things that will try to hold you back in the old season including the way you think.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Renew your mind with the Word so you can be a new "wine skin" and embrace the new. #lifelesson
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Most people who interact with you from your old season speak from that former mindset.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

I spent many years trying to take people on to the next season with me that didn't belong there and wondered why I was stagnate.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

You have to let God choose who comes and goes in your life. He knows the hearts of those around you.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

You have to let Him choose your mate because He knows who can walk through every season with you. When we choose we may have to take a loss.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Flowminista - @ShamikJones Some people want to hold you to a place thats comfortable for THEM! Your growth means their loss of power. Power trippin.
about 9 hours ago via web in reply to ShamikJones
Retweeted by you

@Flowminista That's the truth.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to Flowminista

@Flowminista People want to take the place of the Holy Spirit in your life though they won't admit it openly.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to Flowminista

You have to let God guide you from season to season. He'll refine and prepare you for what he has for you. Embrace the process.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

God doesn't throw away people , he connects His children that will accomplish His will with the gifts He's placed in them. Trust God.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Get connect to who God wants you with and you'll see things flourish that frustrated you. He knows what you need better than you do.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

#Confession If I married who I wanted this last season I was in would've destroyed our marriage. I fought hard with God but listened.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

He knew what was coming in the future. I didn't. Trust God and obey what He directs you to do.
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Romans 8:14 Certainly, all who are guided by God's Spirit are God's children. (GWT)
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

#Confession My last season was to prepare me because I wasn't ready for what God wanted to give me. The olive has been pressed for oil.
about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck

Psalms 126:5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
about 7 hours ago via TweetDeck

Psalm 126:5 Those who cry while they plant will joyfully sing while they harvest. (GWT) - God's Word Translation
about 7 hours ago via TweetDeck

Monday, August 16, 2010


The first thing unforgiveness changes is fellowship. Sin changes your fellowship with God until there is repentance. The same is when we don't forgive that fellowship with one another is cut off. Some of it is selfish we are angry that the person did it to us while at the same time we don't think about what we have done to others. We all throw each other under the bus and that will continue to happen as you live life. What God is concerned about is out reaction. He forgiven us for the unspeakable and He wants us to extend that unconditional forgiveness to others to show Him on the earth. Selfishness blinds you from the fact that it's not about you but it's about us reflecting Him so people can ultimately see Christ. Forgiveness isn't saying that the actions against you were right, it's about doing what God wants. When you hold something against someone you saying that offense is more important than what God's commandment is. God wants to see fellowship restored. That's why He sent Jesus to die for our sins isn't it?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Let's Just Be Honest (YPT)

I grew up in church in the late 80s and early 90s and sex was treated in Youth like the mystical I need to stay away from it until marriage thing. I really don't remember hearing about anything except for a few rare personal sessions. Basically we never learned how to relate to the opposite sex in church and without my dad around at that time it was like fill in the blanks for yourself. Needless to say i never developed the social skills for that until much later past the point I should of. As a youth Pastor i help out as much as I can not only Biblically but practically. Most things people figure out through various sources and each other. Not good at all. Boys who are clueless collecting data and coming up with our own conclusions? "Danger Will Robinson!" Those tactics with this generation are laughable. I had a youth come up to me talking about he "smashed" a girl he brought to church as a visitor (Won't go there today.). I couldn't even get to first base when I was his age. It quickly reminded me of the necessary issue we need to address with the absence of a parent. Let's be honest our parents train and have those talks with you. Never happened with me. Was I going to ask my mom? She's like the Terminator when a female gets within 10 feet of me now. I don't think so. (No offense if you're reading this mom.) The last things a teenage boy wants to do is ask his mom about relating to the opposite sex. Really until you learn to just be yourself and not be paralyzed by fear it gets better. Really I've had an ideal about relationships that was wrong but it took years. Years I wish i could have back. The point is we have a generation who needs to be taught and given examples of how to do it right. Once you lose your virginity it's gone. I hate hearing i wish i knew and still was a virgin like you. But it's something we as the Body of Christ have dropped the ball on. Women here in the North East use sex and pregnancy to try to trap a man. "If you love me." I heard that and said, " If you respected who i am and what I stand for why can't you wait until we're married and committed to each other?" Was it easy to do that? HECK NO. Did I always want to say it? HECK NO! It's easier to just put on the R&B and go for it. Why didn't I? I committed to God first, my wife second, kids third, ministry fourth and so on even before I walk down the aisle to give myself in covenant. We need to show what God has in mind and why they don't want to spread themselves around and regret it later. Not because they won't be forgiven, but we don't want the devil to have a stronghold to try to bring guilt, shame and hurt later. Their destiny is at stake and a child or wrong relationship can alter the path. They will reach what God has for them but we want them not to have to go through things that thay can be protected from. Let's make an effort to not write off our youth and to reach this generation. Thanks for reading.

-Shamik H. Jones

Thank You

I want to thank my friends and family who have helped me through this tough season in my life that I've gone through the last few years. Your love is appreciated and never will be forgotten.

-Shamik H. Jones

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Should I?

A news story got me thinking about my childhood. Some people have never wanted to kill themselves. Some people never will in their life. Between the ages of 10-14 (I vaguely remember) I kept a suicide concoction in the fridge. It was made of household cleaners and other stuff. my mom would dump it. And I'd make a newer more lethal (in my mind) one. I used to stare at it for hours and think about the negatives in life and what I didn't have. Finally one day my mom threw it out and I never made one again. During that time many things happened including my mom busting into a bathroom I locked myself in to attempt an overdose. The cause was hopelessness. Growing up I was typically picked last. My siblings didn't want to take me anywhere because my mouth would start trouble which ended up in fights. I just felt rejected and unwanted. These things are thoughts we never take captive and they rule our lives true or not. They feel real to us. Then circumstance just seems to confirm what we think. We usually hide the real person and try to be what everybody wants and lose our identity. The frustration of being fake and accepted compounds this hurt. Soon I would develop talents and that became the focal point of many of my relationships. I would ask would I have these friends or relationships without these talents? People would laugh it off and avoid it but I had my answer. I believe Adrian was the first friend that I was close to as an adult who has nothing in common when it comes to my skills. That's part of what made Ohio huge in my life. My first real friends as an adult. These false insecurities have to be dealt with by what we confess over our lives and renewing our minds with the Word of God. Despair is no joke when you're trapped in it. It feels real. We need to be spirit led and sensitive to those around us. Good words can make a difference. Being there can make a difference. Small things add up and can change the path of somebody's life. Thanks for reading.

Monday, August 02, 2010


"Psych." reminds me of getting played during childhood because you feel for the trick. You got burnt and now was the brunt of the joke. I recently tweeted this thought and posted on my facebook "Do not let procrastination rob you of the blessings of obedience. Obey the voice of God quickly and see results." Do we psych ourselves out when try to things another way than instructed by God? I think so. Jonah psyched himself out and tried to go another way. It didn't work. He went through a whole bunch of hardship and still had to do what god said in the first place. Why do we get psyched out by let the thoughts and opinions of other people, the enemy or even ourselves "interpret" the clear instruction God has given us. Here's a few thoughts.

1. We want an easier way out.
I don't know about you but when life has been really hard sometimes I like to alleviate the pressure of the process. Who likes going through tough things in life? We like the up time not the times that develop our character or challenge us. We are psyching ourselves out because God will let the circumstances of our lives get us through that process anyway when all we had to do was lay it at His feet in the first place.

2. Pride
We want to save face and appear to be "spiritual" when are full of "dead mens bones" and God wants us not to only have presentation like the Pharisees but he also wants us "to have content" (as Dr. Grillo says). What's developed inside of us is far more important than how we look. This one will cause you not only to be psyched out but to fall hard.

3. We let offense dictate our decisions
Well God "they" are not listing to you. You told me this but "they" or "the circumstances" are not cooperating. Welcome to the real world. We psych ourselves out here but speaking death into the situation and not using the authority God gave us to posses the promise. Sometimes we do nothing and just let things go.

4. We want OUR way.
You reject what God wants because you know you going to have to "man up"and be responsible if you go down this path. We had our own path chosen and we think we're right. No we want what we want and not what we need. Psych! Are you smarter than the creator of the universe and you? That is self deception people. (I have fallen to this one the most.)

When we can't even honor and respect the instruction of the people God placed over us that we can see what make you think you're going to listen to God who you can't see. You need to start practicing obedience in the small things and renew the spirit of your mind until obedience becomes automatic. Obedience is vital to releasing the blessing of God in your life. One act of obedience can open a door that changes your life and connects you to what has been eluding you because of disobedience. Thanks for reading.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Moving Forward

Just received the final track of a mastering project today. In fact it a track I produced and J did a great job on the mix. While in my project studio I also started making church music tracks in my singing keys. I got so spoiled singing with my sister Bridget all these years. (Her music memory and talent are ridiculous.) Really my desire to do music returned in WV when i actually got some time to pay attention to it and forgot what I love to do and God called me to do in my teen years. Being a workaholic I have been working on my focus and setting and meeting deadlines in a reasonable time. As I listen to this track I think of my friend Juan and what we started in the early 90s musically. I'm now working with his cousin and another friend closely with a bright future ahead of us doing what I planned to do with my life in the first place. It's called full circle you get off of track trying to please others and live an image who is not who you are at all. I know I need to reintroduce myself to many people who have been in my life at one time or another. Even with the struggles and complications life is starting to feel right again. Like I always say it rains on the just and the unjust and we all get wet but what will you do? I choose to do what I always wanted to with my life music, ministry, a family and preparing the next generation to pick up the baton. Funny even when my dad returned I wasn't thinking about none of that just sat in the valley of decision about my life. Did I even want it. Serious. You know your weaknesses and you don't need reminders. Now it doesn't matter. I needed to find my initial connection again. The ten year old mesmerized by that puppeteer who talked about the light. The teenager who heard God's voice and refused to go down that path. The man who was at his ropes end and found friends and a life changing experience at Bible College in Columbus, Ohio. I had lost that. My drive aggressiveness and determination I had. My care and zest for life itself. As I open my mastering software and see myself now here I know it's a new beginning for me and a changed attitude toward things I took for granted and dishonored with my stubbornness. I learned when you harden your heart it is not selective. It becomes hard toward everything. I remember sitting in the second row front left at The International House of Prayer in the midst of prayer and worship asking God to soften my heart again. I had hardened it in a attempt to protect myself from the hurt, rejection and anger I felt for a lifetime. He did. Now I'm here finding again who I once was.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


For those who know me this year began with a commitment to work on myself. I was asking God some serious questions about what I'm going through and why things haven't moved along in some areas. "Remember when I told you to do ______ and you did _______ instead." Those words hit me like a cosmic slap but it was the truth from the one who love me the most. God. Yeah I remembered like crystal clear. My stubbornness. Yeah I'm admitting it to the world. I WAS STUBBORN!!!! Of course I tried to move and do something that wasn't the will of God hurting people and creating false expectations all because I wanted to disobey. Really I was like one of those spoiled kids you see in the mall when their parents say no to a toy they feel they NEED. Yeah I'm telling the all knowing God that's not what I need in my life. (Yeah I do feel a little dumb in retrospect but that's only a feeling not fact.) My mouth and confessions drove the promise away from me as well. (Remember the blog about eating humble pie.) I had my life planned out just for God to say no when I said I'm moving on to something else. Yeah right. So I'm crying, repenting, etc. but i realize now I have to obey. I have been obeying until it hurts. Why? Because it needs to be developed in me and since I waited. Welcome to the crash course spiritual summer school edition. God has got me at a place where I can't do anything at all if I wanted to. It' like I went hardcore in the gym and feel so sore but I know it's a good soreness. I tried to avoid the process but that process is what makes you ready for the promise. God wants us totally dependent on Him. A song God gave me years ago rings true and has been the soundtrack of my life. (I guess God was trying to tell me something back then.) "Thy Will Be Done". Why? You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't keep running away like the Pharcyde. You can't give in to foolish pride and lose the things God has told you are necessary to be in your life. Learn this lesson from me that obedience is better than sacrifice. Shalom.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Relationships, Communication and What People Expect

Let's just admit it. We have different levels of friendship whether we acknowledge it or not. We all are different and like different things. There are people who are straight up associates in my life. We're cool but the relationship is superficial at best. Then there is what I refer to a the 12 (a Jesus and his disciple reference) the ones who are around you and know your vibe so to speak. Then there are you inner circle even within that. The closer the person is the more they know the real us. The further away a person is the more likely they are to believe a lie. Fellowship or hanging out and getting to know each other remedies the potential for people to believe gossip and lies. The problem is our facades. We love to save face and have the upper hand. When somebody shows vulnerability selfish people usually go for the jugular which will deny future access. If communication is at a low assumption usually happens. But not only us our circle of friends too. Sad but true many have been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. Going to somebody else instead of talking it out with a person is mistake number one. You shouldn't take another's opinion of a person. You need to know them for yourself. Sometime what you see on your own is enough to make you run.
Another problem with wanting something from somebody you're not close to is expectation. No two people think of handle things the same. If you don't know the other person's reasoning and thought process you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You expect one thing and the other person is thinking something else completely different. It's good to have a grip on what is fantasy and what's reality in your relationship. When you think a scenario in your head and it doesn't work out you may get upset and do irrational things. The other person is like o.k. where did this come from? NO, WE CAN'T READ YOUR MIND. What you want and desire must be communicated and not hinted at. Hey we love to play the mind games and such but they leave you nowhere. (Trust me I know.) Being open and honest helps any relationship. People then are able to get to know you and what you really like and dislike. When you try to spare people feelings and lie it causes problems too because they will think it's o.k. while in the meantime you are frustrated. Having healthy relationships make life a little easier. Even though you won't see eye to eye all the time there will be clarity where somebody stands. Don't let people on the outside sabotage a potential relationship and friendship take the time to get to know somebody before you size them up. Another life lesson I learned the hard way.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Another Birthday and The Things That Matter Most

I look at my life and I see many things. Specifically I see how people like to feel important but not make others feel that way. I see in myself something I battle against, selfishness. I rarely feel sorry for myself or hold grudges but seriously at one point I really thought there would not be people in my life who cared for me for me. Yeah there's Shamik the musician, producer, sound man and minister but there's one Shamik I felt was ignored, Shamik the person. Over the years he's been expected to be something he's not. The pressure drove me up the wall. People wouldn't talk to me put throw me into situations where I was expected to know what to do how to act and approach something. Many things in life I found out through trial and error due to lack of leadership, mentorship and a father figure. Trust me it's not an excuse but it's the reason I had difficulty. A parent methodically teaches a child over time when somebody else will instruct you once and expect you to get it. Then there's the standard you better not break if you want to get in the inner circle that same standard you see nobody else keeping. For a while I really forgot who I was. Then there are friends like Adrian. He was the first friend who had nothing in common with me music, sound or ministry who just wanted to be my friend for me. He's the reason I steal off to Columbus, Ohio now (since Mark moved) because his family became like my 2nd family. It's true friendships like this and the love of my church family that now helps me keep my life in perspective. It's a relationship that is complete mutual. As I get older the people who support you, believe in you and have a grip on what God has called you to do are those who matter most. They remember your birthday and are the first ones hitting you up even the day before. These relationships are not performance driven. It's those time even through the hard times you work it out and grow. You accept them for who they are and not reject them for who the aren't. This birthday I'm a rich man not because of my bank account because of the blessing of the people who are in my life and have been in my life. Thank you all for being genuine, listening and being truthful with me. I love you all.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Taking Responsibility For Myself

This year God has been showing me myself. I admit this has not been pleasant at all but I committed this year to personal growth and the destruction of Christianease in my personal life. I look back and see my insecurity, indecision and immaturity and wish I could change some bad "pride" choices. I ran from what God wanted and went into something else that I had no business doing. In the midst of that He still moved in my life and brought clarity to the vision he gave me at ten and His plan for my life. I find myself stripped and broken and now He's building and I'm just obeying. I really chose to be transparent with a select few and they are my close friend until today but I also put a facade up concerning others. Well it cost me... everything. Let's be honest (since this is about me anyway) I became what I detested and instead of manning up I just rode it out to save face. Big mistake. Things fell apart like The Roots and I ended up in the mountain like Moses... literally. (West Virginia) This is when God showed me I was pushing people away because I wouldn't deal with all the hurt from my life and I refused to let people in my life. Having prayer every night up there was what I needed. Then God told me to come back home and start facing the things I ran from and to start doing what I'm supposed to do. You see from the first time God told me what I was called to do i ran. I wanted no parts of it. I realize now that was the cause of my frustration. Anything that was drawing me that way i tried to sabotage an say things i never meant and said well that can't happen now. Duh, you can't beat God. I must have been entertainment from the throne. Basically long story short guess where I'm back at. Exactly. I'm not the same religious, fearful person i was 2-3 years ago and i know it's just the beginning but it all started by taking responsibility and not letting what people think, say or do effect my life. We all have things we regret. But to quote myself, "Forgive and move on word is bond/ you ain't the only one who's had tough like Cheech and Chong". I have learned when you release forgiveness you receive forgiveness. It's like my relationship with my father, we can't go back and change the past but we can build now for a brighter future. -Selah

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are We Too Immersed in the Culture To Help It?

One thing I always admired about Jesus was going against the flow of the stagnate religious environment without forgetting to reach out to the hearts of man. There was a delicate balance of being where the sinner was to reach out to then and he going away at times to stay focused with God. As I get closer to him I still get excited about sports, tech, gaming, music and other things I loved growing up and he gifted me in but it doesn't hold the place of importance in my heart as it once did. I had a flashback though when I overreacted and unfriended someone when the Jets lost to the Colts. How could I let something like that take control of me so easy? There are moments where we either decide to what's right or ride the emotion in our hearts to justify and do what's not Biblical. Emotion and passion are great but put on the wrong things we may find disappointment or a false joy that after a few days doesn't even matter to our lives. We represent and stand for things based on what? We are taught and indoctrinated into things from childhood and accept them as fact and never question the impact on our lives. We loved to be entertained and kick back but never really evaluate what this is putting into us and mentoring us to be. There are things we would never do but watch and condone in our entertainment. Words and images are seeds. A seed is a seed. Jesus said his words are spirit and life. We have to assume the other words not of him will produce death. Why is it when we come to a place in out walk we can never take the next deep plunge? We get upset with people who want to do the right things. We dishonor order and unlike David we touch Saul God's anointed. Even though Saul was wrong as sin he had a Godly fear and a perspective of how God sees things and faith to know God would perform what he promised. When we ride trends , emotions, movements and other things without evaluating it through the mirror of the Word a desensitizing begins to occur in our lives. Our enemy is subtle and crafty. We need o remember that. He is a liar, thief and murderer. (He comes to steal, kill and destroy.) We have to be aware of His devices. These seeds are being sown into our lives whether we realize them or not. Do we want the harvest. America is harvesting seeds from the 60s and beyond right now. We need to check our lives and get honest so we can pluck these things out while they are small and not let it take root and be a stronghold in our lives.

Monday, June 07, 2010

At Some Point...

You realize a lot of stuff sounds good but has no "biblical" foundation.

The Bible clearly states, (2 Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profaneand vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness."

But most people take the Word of another and rarely study or even read the Bible for themselves.

There are a lot of songs and sayings that sound good but seriously have no "Biblical" weight to them.

This may lead to a doctrine of man, religious practice or even a false doctrine which strengthen the grip of Christianease on the the church.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions. http://formspring.me/cinemascapes08

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can you sing?

Yes. I actually have a album out.

Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

How old are you?


Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

Is sex before marriage a sin? Reading different thoughts on it all that state they are coming from a Christian perspective.

James 4:17 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." Constitutes sin for a Christian believer. A covenant protects those participating in sex with a commitment since sex leads to reproduction. I would say yes. But I will add your basis of authority shapes your belief. You will argue all day about these topics if you want to accept something else as your standard. I haven't had sex before marriage because it honor God and the Word of God is my standard for living.

Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.


Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions. http://formspring.me/cinemascapes08

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is your favorite city & why?

New York City. Maybe because I grew up there and my destiny is tied to that region even though I go to other places I love I always end up back there.

Ask me some questions about anything.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do you believe God can trust you with celeb status? This usually means a wider audience, influence and more responsibilities. Part 2. Do you believe you have something unique to offer the lost world?

I believe if that's the desire god put in my heart that he's prepared for that. Influence is a good thing. it only becomes bad when the influencer is leading the people astray. I believe so more now than a few years ago because it wouldn't validate what I'm doing in my mind it would just be an opportunity to reach more than I ever have. Part 2 I believe I have what I need from God to reach those He sent me to. If I didn't believe there wasn't anything to offer I probably wouldn't do it.

Ask me some questions about anything.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chris Webber's Star of the Week

How important do you think it is for youth to be involved in community activities as well as church functions?

I'm not an "activity person. i rather they be involved with community period. What I mean if you are involved with community being involved with activities is a byproduct. Being involved with people as Jesus was is the most important thing. If you have relationship with people you can minister to their needs because you have invested in their life. We are the church that assemble in a church building. We are the hands and feet of Jesus to reach out to our community and ultimately the world. When people know you care you can create unity and accomplish whatever that community needs to do.

Ask me some questions about anything.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

what is you favorite food? xD

Chicken. Then Mac and Cheese.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

why do you believe in Jesus?

Because when I put my faith in him many years ago He's proven himself real and faithful in my life over and over again. I believe in HIM and not necessarily the religious establishment claiming to be Christianity. I believe, study, pray and obey the Bible.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You decide.

Your outlook can "color" the way you see things. A lot of times I used to just go by my own perception and really miss out on a lot. You should never make an emotional decision because your emotions are based on temporal feelings of a given moment. When an important decision is made we need to step away from that situation and look at it as many ways as we can. The most important things is to know what God wants us to do in that situation. That overrides everything including our emotion. When we make decisions the wrong way and believe we're right it puts us on a string of events we will regret down the line. There will be a lot of explaining to do and you will realize assumption and gossip blew things out of proportion. I used to play "mind games" and "push" people away for various reason when I didn't want to do what I knew in my heart of hearts I'm supposed to. I was upset and I wasn't having it. In reality that was no different from when Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it because he was angered. We look at things in the moment and say what we are and not going to do. Then we indoctrinate our friends against something and later on when we need to do the right thing they are like "huh", "what?" all because we got emotional and spoke into our lives out of that moment. As a musician and worshipper my emotions are needed to do what God has called me to do. I used to turn them off and say "forget it" and that's not a solution. The proper way is to put my emotions in the proper place that God made them for and not to make decisions from that place but from God's Word and leading. Will you let how you feel, your hurt or emotional state destroy the destiny God has for you? You decide.

Tell me are there some things that you are easily offended by , and don't say "When people ask me what are some things you are easily offended by". ha

It's not that easy to offend me. It's usually connected with something deep or ongoing. I would say on that note inconsistency between word commitment and action.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

What would be the most exciting thing for you to do right now. Anywhere with anyone in this world.

I would love to get all the people who mean the world to me together and just have fun. The company will make whatever the activity enjoyable. You really don't always realize when you have somebody special in your life.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!


Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!! http://formspring.me/cinemascapes08


Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!! http://formspring.me/cinemascapes08

Thursday, May 06, 2010


Just ask me questions. What do you want to know? http://formspring.me/cinemascapes08

Epic Fail

It's rare you have more than one shot at something outside of yourself. It takes the will of two aligning at the same time. Looking back I've blown a lot of these things in the form of various opportunities. There are some I have not. Knowing God knows the end from the beginning and giving me the power to choose to obey or try to go my own way has been a bitter sweet trip. Many times on this trip I have tripped up but until the total evaporation of my facade I was unable to admit this. I know this opportunities have their limits as the patience of other humans. Being ruled by fear hinders movement toward your goal rendering you helpless because you are dependent on yourself. An emotional decision can alter everything. In example Moses was angry and hit the rock when god told him to speak to the rock. He never stepped into the promise land. I have a much greater appreciation of God's mercy and grace because of this. What do you do? Obey because that's all you can do. God is the only one who can pick up the pieces and deal with a heart. I admit until my world came crashing down a couple of years ago I hid my heart from everyone. I finally had to surrender it to God and say "I trust you." I may not see how something may work out but I still trust you. Epic fail is becoming so cold that the one who created you and loves you you push away because you have become so hard toward everything. I know this lonely place and many times it feels like you won't make it back from there. You have to give up that heart of stone to God so He can make it a heart of flesh again. Pliable and easy to directed by the Spirit of God. We have to repent of being so cold and let the healing in of our hearts. Then we can freely express the love inside without fear.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice

1 Samuel 15:22b "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams."

Pretty much this sums up a hard life lesson for me. Our good intentions are just that in the face of what God tells us to do and nothing more. What he wants from us is obedience. Growing up having to find my own way in many things I sort of fell in love with "control". I really defended myself and resisted being "controlled" by anyone. It seems everybody wants you to react or do something in a situation they would do. This habit was reinforced but disobeying and deceiving my parent. Then it was justified by the childish "Nobody's going to tell me what to do." Behold the rebellion. When people were trying to help I was too "rock headed" to listen. Unfortunately that hardness makes it's way to your heart. We deceive ourselves like King Saul due to this hardness believing we obeyed and believing we are justified. This took me through a season of learning to obey the voice of God. Yes I admit on in many pivotal moments of my life I let emotion, hurt and rejection rule my decisions. But there comes a time in everybody's life where you will either drop the ball or embrace what you need to do to pursue your destiny. Obedience is something society teaches us to resist. It glorifies the rebel and make them a hero. It sensationalizes criminals who break the law. We drink in the fruit of disobedience through many ways some subtle, some not so subtle.

Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Romans 2:7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:
8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

Colossians 3:22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Obedience is truly honoring God and His Word. It is putting Him first over our feeling, emotions, situations and mindsets. It doesn't really matter about the person commanding you. When I began to understand this my attitude toward obedience totally changed. My obedience shouldn't be based on reward, looking holy or advantage but to please and honor God even if people didn't see it or even understand. Obeying God as the ultimate authority. He rewards my obedience not men. Let's honor God today by Obeying Him in all things.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taking the Foot Out of Your Mouth

There are many things in your life you regret saying doing or not doing. For me I fought the will of God for my life. You'd figured I'd learn by now. No. There is something about the times in my life when I deeply hurt. I ask God to show me what I did. Of course I forgot. I had been hard on myself for years but now I just know it will help me get to my goal of being honest, especially with myself. One year after a conference I just said forget it and detached. When I detach it's pretty much useless to try to convince me of anything because in my heart "I'm gone." I even told somebody "You won't see me again." I don't make threats and meant every word. I've always been the type of person that hates people in my business and also hate people asking others about somebody instead of the person. This leads to assumption. Basically I acted, then froze because of fear and when I couldn't tell the truth I just said forget it. That's a condensed version. Then I went to North Carolina went off and the moped in Columbus at Mark's house for about a week. Basically got back into gaming, purchased a PSP and 5 games and basically said I'll just handle this my way by walking away, forever. God has been making me be honest and apologize to people lately and when this situation came to mind it was like opening a wound that never healed which this situation was just the tearing open a wound of past issues. Knowing that now I really think I was stupid. There really was no justification for my actions. I remember Mark had sent me the demo of "Revived" and I was in the room and it touched me and the Lord visited me in that hotel room. Told me I wouldn't be able to fix it, to apologize and that the week would get worse (for me) anyway. It did and I had to stand because I had not choice. Basically I used to let people think what they wanted if they weren't close and even lie to cement the facade. (Told you God had a lot to work on in me.) I think it was the most painful week of eating "humble pie" in my life because I had to be quiet like Jesus and take it. Dying to yourself hurts but when you are dead you feel nothing. Oh yeah I didn't learn then and had kept the facade going until a couple of years ago (but that's another blog). I laugh while writing this because that person seems so distant from me now. I really have nothing to prove in Christ but was caught in a religious, judgmental mindset that was given than the fact we believe on Jesus and he is our righteousness. I can't tell you where you're at. I just know the sooner you take the foot out of your mouth the sooner you can speak the Word of God and deliverance will come. I can share this now because the truth of the Word has set me free. What I though was keeping it real, east coast, NY to the fullest was not what God designed for me. Back then maybe only Mark, George, Adrian, Freddy, Leon, Harold and some of my family knew the real Shamik. The rest saw a show. The walls you put up keep everyone out including God. When you allow those walls to fall and let people see you as God created you there is a freedom that nobody can take. Fear cannot stop you because you know who He says you are. The need to perform has ceased. I pray that you don't let circumstance, your past, hardship or anything else keep you from what God's wants. I spent a few years in the pig pen feasting on scraps until I came to my senses. All to end up back where I started to do what God said in the first place. A wise man Ronnie Harrison said the only thing between you and failure is an altar. I know what he means now.

At Some Point...

You realize you may have been as wrong as those who hurt you.

Here' s a slice of "humble pie".

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At Some Point...

You have to face reality in the face and embrace the truth.

You have to step away emotionally to see what's really going on.

You must embrace the steps God had ordered for you.

You must realize that letting go is the beginning of healing.

You must let go of the past to be free and embrace His will to fulfill your destiny.

You must believe on Jesus and stop believing for things.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

At Some Point...

You have to realize most people will do what they always do whether they complain, preach or campaign for change.

Those who change with action and lifestyle will be belittled, scrutinized, ridiculed and written off…until they are successful and then they will be geniuses and pioneers.

Just saying.™

Stay Focused On God

The thing about when God tells you something is going to happen it never happens the way you envision it. Why? Because Go know the beginning from the end and you are going through the journey. The perspectives are totally different. I really am not one to doubt anything God tells me but now I have gone another step to not question the process and obey at every step. The temptation to explain why something is happening or do something because "I know what God told me" is gone ever since in WV I let God work it out. I knew it was coming but when things happened I had not even considered the ways God did. We must trust and follow him. We need to be in His presence not to just get what we need but to honor and worship Him. To be instructed by Him just for this day. The solution never comes from from an outer source, just the confirmation.

Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors at many different times and in many different ways through the prophets.
2 In these last days he has spoken to us through his Son. God made his Son responsible for everything. His Son is the one through whom God made the universe.(GWT)

Christianease has made a falsehood that we must guide others a certain way. The truth is when dealing outside ourselves (Especially in leadership) we must be sensitive to God's spirit on how to correct and handle people. We are not guiding them but Holy Spirit is the one leading them to the place He created them to be. Christianease has made it acceptable to impose what Go has placed in our hearts for us on others. This does not anger me anymore. It grieves me now. Assumption is a tool of the devil. You cannot go by what you know in the things of God. You must be led by His spirit and guided by His Word. Not who said it and that this person endorses it. The selfish approach to Christianity is for many years has sustained many things God didn't instruct us to do. It's not always what is said and done, it is in the spirit of what things are said and done. God had to show me myself in the mirror of the Word. The perspective and motive you pick up the Word in will be reflected spiritually. We can deceive ourselves believing we are just helping others. After the Lord showed me this I'm so careful in my day to day even what I say to friends as far as advice. Most times if God tells me to not say anything I just pray God's will for them and the Word for their situation. Subtlety is a weapon the adversary uses and we can get off on a tangent so easy. We need to stay focused on what the Lord told us to do.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Regaining Focus

I'm really starting to realize that my frustration my whole life has been that the Christianity that I read and studied about in the Bible I have not seen with my eyes on a consistent basis (including myself). What I'm really upset about is that it seems the majority of Christians are not even trying to reach for the Biblical standard of Christianity. The Holy Spirit empowers us to walk this walk but it takes yielding to Him and spending time in the Word and in prayer to become sensitive to His voice and learn what God's standards for living are. Ministry wise what I've run into my whole life is pride and unteachable spirits. Point blank everybody has to prove what they know and not be outdone by you. It's copied from people instead of seeking God and finding out what his Word means from the source. To some people it's a hustle to make a living. What I've learned and began to exercise is an investment into people to see them transformed into God's image. The core of Christianity is the giving of Christ to bridge a relationship to man when sin was separating us from Him. For us it's the giving of ourselves to the Word and to others so they can see Christ in our lives and be transformed seeing his love and compassion and way of doing things. They should see our relationship with God because it is so effecting our lives making such a difference that we stand out to them. It is causing us to love and forgive those who they would cut off. Our reactions and love are not conditional but like God's because we are letting His agape love flow through us. Not the power struggle and the accusing of the brethren we have. Not the disrespect of authority and thinking we will be blessed and justified we have today. Our preachers are not our standard but the Word of God is. We stand for God. God hates sin not people. He sent His Son to separate sin from the people through the free gift of Eternal Life. Instead of seeing a person as an obstacle you need to see them as a person Jesus died for. What have you shown Jesus to be today in their lives? Christianity is not supposed to be caught up in itself but concerned for others even those growing in the faith. People care about services and entity but forget that the church is not an institution. It may be legally , but Biblically it is a people. The selfish nature of sin in our society has been influencing us to make a self centered gospel that is not found in the Bible. Our distorted perceptions has helped twist the Word of God to something He never meant it to be. May we start to take up our crosses daily again and see the big picture. I know what God expects and wants in His church "but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." All creation groans for it.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Day It Becomes A Part of You

When learning an instrument the beginning is a struggle. You are not sure what is what. You have to learn the language and your body has to learn the mechanics. You work and work. Many people settle for lower levels of skill or if the ability serves what they need to do but there is more. If you continue to press and challenge yourself there comes the day when it clicks. What you have practiced and labored through finally becomes natural. The place where others around you take notice. You have honored the God given gift placed on your life and not just dabbled with it. When I play an instrument today there is natural flow like it's always been apart of me but that's something I never take for granted. I still challenge and refine what I have and teach others to do the same. It's the same with your Christian walk. You stumble and learn. You go through and grow then comes "when the Word becomes flesh and dwells among you." When Christ has been formed in a area and you can walk it out naturally. The scripture comes alive and it's no longer cliche or words uttered toward you. Logos has become Rhema. That is where others who are happy to settle for lower levels say that's too much. No it's just the beginning. The Word has shaped and formed you into the image of Christ. Others let the world around them frame them or religious rhetoric, even Christianese but you let the Word of God be your foundation and standard and have waited for the day it becomes a part of you not only something you do."Walk it out" my brother and sisters. God bless.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Last year I missed my high school reunion. I initially wanted to go but made no effort once circumstances beyond my control came into play. Basically I couldn't go and I made no effort to try to. High school is one of those times I think of and just wonder about. There were fun times but overall it was just something I'd rather forget for the most part except some really good people and some good memories. I prayed about it and thought and no I'm not angry but since most of me beginning to go in the spiritual direction in the vision I saw at ten didn't happen to after that I feel it was just a passing through faze. I was running from what God had for me to do but my conscience would not let me do what others did. My senior year I began to look for God beyond my experience and what I had read in the Bible. Not movements, opinions or debates but what God says Biblical Christianity is. This set off a chain of events that went into Audio School, Bible School and some experiences until now. The drastic need to prove myself then has not been in my life for years. I've been quite brash at times too. My strongest ties to that life weakened with my decision to go to Bible College where I was changed completely from a spiritual perspective. Bible College made me face myself for the first time. A lot of weeping and breaking went on as well a pivotal meetings and divine appointments. It's where I learned not to preach but live what you preach. Afterward I found out people can say one thing but when the rubber meets the road they do what they want. People want to play a "spiritual game" but I no longer participate in that. I want God. It's has not been easy and I've learned that my pride can be my worst enemy but it's far from the boy who grew up on Staten Island. The walk with Christ is unpredictable, great, tough, humbling, exciting and many other things. Finding out things and having God remove them from your life is another experience all together. There's still more that must be done but the first step has been completed. Why don't I want to look back? This scripture just explained in a nutshell.

Phillipians 3
13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Quest For Transparency

There are very few people in my life I am completely defenseless myself around. This even goes for those really close to me. I don't know about you I have always been my biggest critic. I have spent more than half of my life striving for acceptance. Then can that day where I lost care and plummeted to the other extreme. When you live in situations where people see something that you have material or talent wise it really cheapens the majority of your relationships. Some people want to knock that drive out of you to control you and others want to use that drive to benefit themselves others just want to be entourage and can live "off the crumbs" so to speak. When this view controls us we can just shut out of the world. This is what I did. Many times I falsely portrayed what people expected to keep them off my back. I always knew they would never know or value the real me so why waste my time. The problem came when God wanted me to walk in what He called me to be. The facade had to be slowly chipped away. Many people believed I've changed but I had just put a "wall" up since my early days in church from age eleven. Yeah there has been the inner circles and close friends through seasons but that's pretty much it. I looked to people to define me instead of knowing what God has proclaimed and spoke before I entered my mother womb is who I am. The labor to prove something has been removed. The pressure people put on you to do this or that is gone. God orders my steps. I wrote this to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and obey and do what God says and break free from the fear of man. If people can't accept what you're doing you weren't sent to them. Move on and effect change in the lives God has ordained you to touch. Be honest and accountable for your walk. Pray and fellowship with God and get to know Him in a way your Pastor, favorite preacher or youth minister can't show Him. Let's walk it so we can say like Jesus, "Follow me."

Monday, January 04, 2010

A Great Quote

I wanted to share this quote in my blog that was shared on Facebook today.

Jillian Chambers -"At 17, Joseph's Dream was about ruling over his family. After 13 years of tests, he finally realized his dream was about Saving his family. Be sure you correctly interpret the Purpose for your life or you may find your self in places necessary to strip the misinterpretations in your mind."

Gallo Throws It Down.

The Knicks pummel the Grangerless Pacers

Saturday, January 02, 2010

The New Year (Plans And Goals)

Well first and foremost I want to thank God for making it into the new year.

Ministry wise my focus this years will be a the freshly planted church Speak The Word Christian Church. One of my major goals among others is beginning to establish a place of prayer and worship patterned after the Tabernacle of David which will eventually operate 24 hours. After my visit to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City God quickened some things in me even some that He showed to me at the age of ten. It is vital to be watchmen and to have a continual prayer covering over our nation and the nations of the world. It will start with a noon day prayer and worship 5 days a week.(More on that later) Another is the R.O.C.K. (Reflections of Our Coming King) Youth Ministry. This is where my heart is right now. We are currently starting a Christian school and after school program from ages 2 month - 12 years.

Personally I am going to increase my prayer and study life (which is always necessary). I will also start training in media and music again. I also will be writing and producing music again. 3 projects are in the works and 2 are more than half done. My goal is to move back to Staten Island, NY so I can accomplish these things. Currently I live 45 minutes from Staten Island in Central New Jersey.

Well my friends I ask for your PRAYERS. Everything begins with prayer. (Also we could always use anything equipment wise that is in working order or any support.) My mother is Pastoring and she is being covered by Bishop Virgil D. Patterson. I'm Assistant Pastor and God is currently building the foundation of this house. Just wanted to share what the Lord has been doing in my life and where it's going. God bless and Happy New Year.