Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Want More Than This World Can Offer

Since the age of ten when I had my first major encounter with God I have always wanted more than the status quo. The biggest injustice has been people with their advice trying to get you to live on their level of faith whether less or even more. We can't choose for each other or walk in another person's shoes. Christianease and cliches have slowly and sarcastically sucked the compassion out of the Body of Christ. We have to been reduced to trying to be relevant instead of effective. We try to win souls by intelligence and intellect instead of example and Holy Spirit drawing. A foreign minister came to America and this was his synopsis loosely phrased. "I'm amazed how much the American church can do without God." What I desire to see I always know when I see it. It's more than the world can offer a man. It goes beyond presentation and excellence (though those are important) but it's the presence of God not only in a service but in a life. We don't realize what gets rejected is God and not us. People try to counsel and reason in their mind but the truth is if somebody is rejected Jesus said it because they are rejecting me. The Pharisees had a form of godliness that was impressive enough for the masses but when the Son of God himself came it was exposed. Being a living sacrifice is deemed as a reasonable service. Ronnie Joe Harrison taught me at least one thing. The only thing between you and failure is and altar. That means you are the problem and need to die to yourself. In the me church generation that won't preach. But then you have something the world cannot offer because to them it costs too much. if church time is all we as believers have in common and can't even communicate outside of a building we missed it. You might as well be my co-worker. Since many of my friends I communicate with live no where near me anymore I feel that void in my own life now. I never understand when people can't have a relationship with you outside of services and events. To me it equates to a facade. I miss being in places where we fellowship and hung out beyond church. It really hurts because it really means people want who they want in their lives not the people God sends to challenge their lives. The world can offer that but relationships sent by God only are beneficial because the iron sharpening iron will define you both. We like it easy with our perspective but we are not teachable. Being teachable is the most valuable asset a man can posses. When we're teachable and willing to shed our "box" of religious comfort you will see God beyond religious knowledge you will begin to know the God you thought you served. A sermon or programs can't teach you that. The only thing that can is something the world can't offer a true relationship and fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.

John 17: 3
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

God's Word
This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.

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