Thursday, July 30, 2009

Listening And Communicating. A Good Way To Know For Sure

Have you ever been in a situation and realize the person you are trying to do or tell something to is not on the same page with you? It's funny but if we are honest with ourselves we usually don't listen. We just are hearing enough to formulate our own answers. I experienced this when somebody asked me questions I really didn't care to answer. After driving me down a beaten path they tried to "call me out" as if I had issues to which I said a Biblical retort. Pretty much that subject was over. This got me thinking about how to effectively communicate. I found in my studies (very loose study) that on the average we don't listen intently which is not a crime. But instead of trying to shape somebody's mindset you have to first try to understand that mindset on a certain level to communicate. Even to get the lowest level of agreement there has to be understanding. We all don't think the same. We are a product of our choices and experiences. Most of us take that as what we live by. A Christian is supposed to live by the Word of God. The conflict begins with standards. If one person has a standard and the other person just cuts them off like it doesn't matter you have just created separation whether you realize it or not. What you think is going is not necessarily the way it was received. This is where a relationship can fall if this is not corrected early because it WILL come back later and if the person continues to push it aside resentment can begin to come into play. As a person who tries to understand as well as I can it hurts when that is not returned to me at all. You know some people won't be too deep but an effort means the world to somebody. I being honest and open have had to learn to pull back. Another thing is that you may not be able to share everything you want to if the person you are dealing with can't handle it. The bottom line is really listening to a person and making an effort to communicate whit them is a good start. People don't change over night and passions and issues don't just go away. In fact they will be the things that come in between a relationship at any level.

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