Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sorting Things Out

As people we want to be able to naturally see what God has promised us. Sometimes we are like Abram and jump the gun before we know how God is going to accomplish what He promised. Nevertheless we now have a situation that can't be reversed and there will be ramifications in the flesh for it. Pride stops us from admitting the truth but humility lets us move on quickly and get to the promise. The danger in these situations is the settling factor where most people try to make something work or want something so bad they don't care how it looks. Most people think they can change a situation and/ or people. I have a news flash for you, only God can change a person and they have to submit themselves to Him. That facade is why a lot of marriages end in divorce and why most ventures and friendships don't last. Your closet friends are in your life because they want to be for the right reasons. The people who want something from you come and go. God desires to give us more than we ask or even think but we have to be patient and let Him. The advice and opinions of others don't count when God has declared or commanded something. What we feel does not determine the will of God either. It's faith in what He said or promised not what we have determined is His will. For anything to work in the Kingdom of God thee HAS to be a level of agreement. When we agree with God and have faith in what He says we have then it comes to pass. When we have agreement with another human being then we can walk with them and accomplish things. The way to sort things out is to be clear on what we are agreeing on and having faith for. Two visions clashing is confusion. We need to set our plans aside and submit our will to God's will. That's where joy, freedom and the proper use of the gifting in your life happen. Sort those things out and stay in the lane God purposed you to be in from before the foundations of the earth.

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