Friday, September 04, 2009

Do we trust God or our biological clock.

The thing about life is we get these thought that are not our own about goals in life and marriage and everything else. People really try to determine who you are by what you have and have accomplished in their eyes. This my friends is a trap. People try to find fulfillment in spouses, cars, houses, wealth, status and so on. The solution is Jesus and what He has created us for before the foundation of this world. Our very existence will go beyond this world. We buy into the lies and get stuck in misery and turn around and blame God for what he gave us the freedom of choice to do. One day everybody will learn you cannot control another person's choices. We try to control people and people try to control us. The words that are spoken which are not God's word or not God's plan for our lives plant these seeds we hear to cause us to struggle with trusting God. Our heart (spirit) is what God uses to lead us not our deductive reasoning. I've seen things God has promised me come to pass but not the way I thought it would. I realized that my mindset has "interpreted" the outcome of what God was showing me. So I moved the way I thought God was speaking. Wasn't that what Abraham did. Didn't that make Ishmael. What we feed to ourselves can have a result that we have to deal with no matter how painful it is. Many times we take something that God gives us and piggy back our own ideas and things from our mindset to it. When God tells us something it is to prepare us in advance. What He wants from us is obedience and trust. We can make moves and God won't stop us. When we get the check in our spirit we need to follow that and obey what God says we should be doing. Don't think God won't mess up your plans and how you think it will go down. Are you open for what God has for you or do you think you know and want it your way. Only two people know the truth you and God.

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