Monday, September 14, 2009

Leading By Being Led

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

The leading of Holy Spirit is the very thing that separates us from the world. It identifies us as children of God. Sadly legalism and lack of discipline has opened the door to something which I jokingly have labeled Christianease. This is when we try to determine, size up and direct somebody's walk based on what we think. Yes we use God's word and everything to do it. What I mean is making parameters for others and their walk with God based on mindset, beliefs and denominational doctrine. It's really a critical spirit disguised as zeal. There are those who have authority to speak into lives like Pastors, Elder, people who are our accountability, etc. but that's not what I'm talking about at all. It's sheep trying to lead sheep. God created order and authority for this very reason. Many of us believe our mindset and beliefs are totally right and others have to "catch up". Some of us have learned better. The renewing of your mind with the Word and doing what it instructs in daily will help change ungodly mindsets. We need to seek those things that God wants us to do. Being that people have different callings, experiences, ways the gifts of God works through their life, etc. we will not always see eye to eye but that's okay. The problem I am talking about is when somebody steps out to correct without the leading of Holy Spirit. People always want to correct but as a parent knows the way you correct each child is different based on a number of things. Doing something like that can cause damage and put a gap in a relationship because somebody might not be ready to hear something yet. This is what Holy Spirit does best and we may get to assist if we are sensitive and obedient to His voice and leading. We can't see the whole picture or understand what somebody has been or going through. We are not God just His vessels that He uses on the earth. The Lord has had me speak to people things I didn't understand why I was saying them but they were ministered to by it because Holy Spirit knew what they needed and I just obeyed instead of trying in my own understanding minister to the need. We need to get out of the way and let the Spirit of God in us lead and guide us not only in ministry but everyday life. The more you yield to God the more you understand it's not about you but it's about His Kingdom and the lost. It's easy to debate and prove you're right and admonish. But can we be the balm of Gilead to hurting people and get over ourselves?

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