Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good Morning

When it comes to my life and Christian walk I always know there is room for improvement. As I get older I'm starting to realize that to remain hungry for the things of God the people you associate and connect become a big part of that. There are friends and relationship that are seasonal and then there re those that last a lifetime. Iron sharpens iron. We all have our specialties due to our assignment but these God given relationships bring balance to each other. I thank God for these friends and co-laborers that God has connected me to in my life. As I enter this new season in life and ministry I know that these relationships and the dynamics of them may change as always but I know one thing for sure. God has blessed me with everyone I have been in contact this last year. It has been a harder year than I let on and one of digging deep inside and rebuilding foundations and settling issues. The fear of man which once plagued my life is gone and the boldness someone prophesied years ago has replaced it. We do not ask to go through the things we need we pray for God to take us out of the fire but it is the fire that refines us. The way God works with his children is remarkable in the fact that in a moment where frustration tried to flood me that a child looking for pen with an innocent trust in her eyes would remind me that I am just going through here and the purposes and dreams God showed me at the age of ten are still alive and in His hands being written one chapter at a time on the stone of my life. Ministry is my purpose and drive. I am called to serve, to love and to show God wherever I am to His glory. I realize that my life is an opportunity for those to know Christ. I trust the shaping hands of the potter more than ever. I pray that the presence of the Lord just follow you as we worship with our lives by just fulfilling what He has purposed for us in the earth.

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