Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Day It Becomes A Part of You

When learning an instrument the beginning is a struggle. You are not sure what is what. You have to learn the language and your body has to learn the mechanics. You work and work. Many people settle for lower levels of skill or if the ability serves what they need to do but there is more. If you continue to press and challenge yourself there comes the day when it clicks. What you have practiced and labored through finally becomes natural. The place where others around you take notice. You have honored the God given gift placed on your life and not just dabbled with it. When I play an instrument today there is natural flow like it's always been apart of me but that's something I never take for granted. I still challenge and refine what I have and teach others to do the same. It's the same with your Christian walk. You stumble and learn. You go through and grow then comes "when the Word becomes flesh and dwells among you." When Christ has been formed in a area and you can walk it out naturally. The scripture comes alive and it's no longer cliche or words uttered toward you. Logos has become Rhema. That is where others who are happy to settle for lower levels say that's too much. No it's just the beginning. The Word has shaped and formed you into the image of Christ. Others let the world around them frame them or religious rhetoric, even Christianese but you let the Word of God be your foundation and standard and have waited for the day it becomes a part of you not only something you do."Walk it out" my brother and sisters. God bless.