Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taking the Foot Out of Your Mouth

There are many things in your life you regret saying doing or not doing. For me I fought the will of God for my life. You'd figured I'd learn by now. No. There is something about the times in my life when I deeply hurt. I ask God to show me what I did. Of course I forgot. I had been hard on myself for years but now I just know it will help me get to my goal of being honest, especially with myself. One year after a conference I just said forget it and detached. When I detach it's pretty much useless to try to convince me of anything because in my heart "I'm gone." I even told somebody "You won't see me again." I don't make threats and meant every word. I've always been the type of person that hates people in my business and also hate people asking others about somebody instead of the person. This leads to assumption. Basically I acted, then froze because of fear and when I couldn't tell the truth I just said forget it. That's a condensed version. Then I went to North Carolina went off and the moped in Columbus at Mark's house for about a week. Basically got back into gaming, purchased a PSP and 5 games and basically said I'll just handle this my way by walking away, forever. God has been making me be honest and apologize to people lately and when this situation came to mind it was like opening a wound that never healed which this situation was just the tearing open a wound of past issues. Knowing that now I really think I was stupid. There really was no justification for my actions. I remember Mark had sent me the demo of "Revived" and I was in the room and it touched me and the Lord visited me in that hotel room. Told me I wouldn't be able to fix it, to apologize and that the week would get worse (for me) anyway. It did and I had to stand because I had not choice. Basically I used to let people think what they wanted if they weren't close and even lie to cement the facade. (Told you God had a lot to work on in me.) I think it was the most painful week of eating "humble pie" in my life because I had to be quiet like Jesus and take it. Dying to yourself hurts but when you are dead you feel nothing. Oh yeah I didn't learn then and had kept the facade going until a couple of years ago (but that's another blog). I laugh while writing this because that person seems so distant from me now. I really have nothing to prove in Christ but was caught in a religious, judgmental mindset that was given than the fact we believe on Jesus and he is our righteousness. I can't tell you where you're at. I just know the sooner you take the foot out of your mouth the sooner you can speak the Word of God and deliverance will come. I can share this now because the truth of the Word has set me free. What I though was keeping it real, east coast, NY to the fullest was not what God designed for me. Back then maybe only Mark, George, Adrian, Freddy, Leon, Harold and some of my family knew the real Shamik. The rest saw a show. The walls you put up keep everyone out including God. When you allow those walls to fall and let people see you as God created you there is a freedom that nobody can take. Fear cannot stop you because you know who He says you are. The need to perform has ceased. I pray that you don't let circumstance, your past, hardship or anything else keep you from what God's wants. I spent a few years in the pig pen feasting on scraps until I came to my senses. All to end up back where I started to do what God said in the first place. A wise man Ronnie Harrison said the only thing between you and failure is an altar. I know what he means now.

At Some Point...

You realize you may have been as wrong as those who hurt you.

Here' s a slice of "humble pie".

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At Some Point...

You have to face reality in the face and embrace the truth.

You have to step away emotionally to see what's really going on.

You must embrace the steps God had ordered for you.

You must realize that letting go is the beginning of healing.

You must let go of the past to be free and embrace His will to fulfill your destiny.

You must believe on Jesus and stop believing for things.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

At Some Point...

You have to realize most people will do what they always do whether they complain, preach or campaign for change.

Those who change with action and lifestyle will be belittled, scrutinized, ridiculed and written off…until they are successful and then they will be geniuses and pioneers.

Just saying.™

Stay Focused On God

The thing about when God tells you something is going to happen it never happens the way you envision it. Why? Because Go know the beginning from the end and you are going through the journey. The perspectives are totally different. I really am not one to doubt anything God tells me but now I have gone another step to not question the process and obey at every step. The temptation to explain why something is happening or do something because "I know what God told me" is gone ever since in WV I let God work it out. I knew it was coming but when things happened I had not even considered the ways God did. We must trust and follow him. We need to be in His presence not to just get what we need but to honor and worship Him. To be instructed by Him just for this day. The solution never comes from from an outer source, just the confirmation.

Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors at many different times and in many different ways through the prophets.
2 In these last days he has spoken to us through his Son. God made his Son responsible for everything. His Son is the one through whom God made the universe.(GWT)

Christianease has made a falsehood that we must guide others a certain way. The truth is when dealing outside ourselves (Especially in leadership) we must be sensitive to God's spirit on how to correct and handle people. We are not guiding them but Holy Spirit is the one leading them to the place He created them to be. Christianease has made it acceptable to impose what Go has placed in our hearts for us on others. This does not anger me anymore. It grieves me now. Assumption is a tool of the devil. You cannot go by what you know in the things of God. You must be led by His spirit and guided by His Word. Not who said it and that this person endorses it. The selfish approach to Christianity is for many years has sustained many things God didn't instruct us to do. It's not always what is said and done, it is in the spirit of what things are said and done. God had to show me myself in the mirror of the Word. The perspective and motive you pick up the Word in will be reflected spiritually. We can deceive ourselves believing we are just helping others. After the Lord showed me this I'm so careful in my day to day even what I say to friends as far as advice. Most times if God tells me to not say anything I just pray God's will for them and the Word for their situation. Subtlety is a weapon the adversary uses and we can get off on a tangent so easy. We need to stay focused on what the Lord told us to do.