Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lord Who have YOU Chosen?

1 Samuel 16:‎6 When they came, he saw Eliab and thought, "Certainly, here in the LORD's presence is his anointed king." 7 But the LORD told Samuel, "Don't look at his appearance or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. God does not see as humans see. Humans look at outward appearances, but the LORD looks into the heart." (GWT)

How many times have I done it. Look at something in my limited understanding and made a decision without even thinking to ask God. Boldly say to somebody this is what God wanted with out even consulting Him. It may seem simple but this one little moment when Samuel went to anoint a new king for Israel shows me a lot of things. We think a certain way. All of us. We try to get others to think that way. We usually subconsciously apply that to what we do and how we are instructed by drawing conclusions. In that moment Samuel saw something that He perceived and derived that this must be the next king and God had to check him and laid down a nugget that will save you in any situation in your life.

We go through life choosing. Isn't life about choices? What is our criteria for choosing? The advantage God has is that He sees the end from the beginning. Sometimes I can't see five minutes from now. God will tell us something and that mindset of ours will try to immediately tell us why it won't work. If it doesn't do that it will try to interject our desire into God's instruction. When God tell us what to do or who he has chosen to be in our lives the unrenewed mind freaks because it can't put it all together. Why? It doesn't see the end from the beginning. It can't see the heart (where all the issues of life flow from) so it's trying to figure it out. What needs to happen is we have to renew our mind with the Word of God so it learns to agree with what God says. This is the process. We need to follow the command that God said and ignore the after thoughts that try to interpret the command and instruction. Faith is what we walk in because it pleases God.

What has God said? Who has He chosen? What does He say to believe? That what we need to target our hope to and wrap our faith around. The things that are worth it are rarely easy and you must stay the course to receive the promise. We must learn to receive what God wants for us because it the best and what we need. Our minds are limited to what we want.


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