Thursday, September 22, 2011

You Can't Change The Past...

... or people's response to it. Whatever you've done good or bad in now etched in time. What you can do is learn from it for the time you have ahead of you ready to be shaped by your choices and actions.

I've always tried to be truthful. I know my flaws. At times I have defended them well.
The worst times in my life is when I lied to myself. I thought I was telling the truth. In fact as far as I knew I was but my heart later revealed it was a lie.

It was like being exposed on Maury. People conform. I never have. I probably never will.
People really have no idea what God has really called me to do. The first person who knew correctly without me telling them is my current Pastor. I was shocked that it was correct and not an evaluation of what it appears I should be doing because of my talents.

Honestly I knew that this is the place where I begin to prepare. I am rough around the edges but now I'm really heading toward my purpose. Not the one everyone tries to tell me about but the one God showed me at the age of ten in a vision. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yes! Being true to yourself and who God made you to be is not a cliche. I used to literally WANT to be who people wanted me to be. Then when I matured I realized I'd just forgotten who I really was. (Sorry had to fix that typo I had orginally).