Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fact or Facade.

People judge you based on assumption. They never ask for or seek the truth. They make up their own truth in their mind. People will swear they know all about a situation they know nothing about because they piece together their "facts" with incomplete information. We do it all the with celebrities and with events the media sensationalize. A lot of people also do it with God. They have a second hand knowledge that is not their own. I did an experiment on my Facebook account putting sayings up and scripture. Some of the sayings were kind of borderline and some could not be supported by scripture. Much of the scripture was ignored except for by a few. When asked about it was often taken out of context of what it was talking about in the Bible. We have things in our culture and countries that we talk about and attribute to God that really doesn't come from his Word or have been twisted. We want to make the things of God "me" centered or want it to fit our mindset and philosophy when in all truth it's something that was here before any one of us had a thought. Eternal things are not dictated by the temporal.

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