Monday, September 14, 2009

Are We Going To Invest In Our Future?

The church is at a very critical point. Faith is passed generation to generation. Yet it seems that today's youth even in the church seem misguided in the general sense. Yes there are youth on fire for God but mentoring and discipleship is missing. While everyone points the fingers about what is right and wrong or too much and not enough a generation is being ignored. Jesus displayed how to make a disciple with how he trained the 12 and they went on and did the same. In a general sense we have gotten self consumed and more interested in filling up places and sharing the words we have instead of mentoring and developing gifts. The trap is that everybody has gone back into exclusively building their own thing whether it's a group, youth ministry, etc. and has lost focus for what Christ has for us also as a collective body. Annual events and fellowships are good but it needs to go to a level where development and discipleship on a personal level comes into play. Everywhere I go I am so drawn to the youth. They are zealous and hungry for more and just need direction. All I see is people just pointing out shortcomings instead of seeing potential. No this is not an easy investment. There is a heavy cost and sometimes pain involved. The ministry of utopia has not or never will exist. We can no longer condemn and scrutinize those trying to reach the youth anymore. Instead it's time for us to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty or we will have the blood of this generation on our hands. The first key is to get out of yourself and start to give to somebody else. A big hindrance is what we want. Paul talks about denying ourselves. We preach it, tell others to do it but it's time to make it a reality in our own lives.

Matthew 9:36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.


Coach Sam said...

Amen Shamik...! I am in complete agreement with you. In fact I had originally intended the Intercessor's Prayer Team to be a mentoring thing for youth. It hasn't developed into that yet, but we're definitely on the same page, Brother...!

Monica Chadwell said...

Hi Shamik - I'm in agreement with you too! Your observation is a good one, and has been on my heart for some time too. Totally Titus material ... WE need to be giving our lives away, mentoring and training our youth. Very good!!!

Monica Chadwell said...

Hey - what's the formula on your shirt? I'm intrigued!!! ;-)

shamikjones said...

The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ Equals Eternal Life

Monica Chadwell said...

Cool!!! For some reason, I couldn't figure it out on my own. Sheesh. LOVE IT!!!! ;-)