Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can you sing?

Yes. I actually have a album out.

Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

How old are you?


Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

Is sex before marriage a sin? Reading different thoughts on it all that state they are coming from a Christian perspective.

James 4:17 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." Constitutes sin for a Christian believer. A covenant protects those participating in sex with a commitment since sex leads to reproduction. I would say yes. But I will add your basis of authority shapes your belief. You will argue all day about these topics if you want to accept something else as your standard. I haven't had sex before marriage because it honor God and the Word of God is my standard for living.

Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

Ask me something. I'd love to answer your questions.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is your favorite city & why?

New York City. Maybe because I grew up there and my destiny is tied to that region even though I go to other places I love I always end up back there.

Ask me some questions about anything.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do you believe God can trust you with celeb status? This usually means a wider audience, influence and more responsibilities. Part 2. Do you believe you have something unique to offer the lost world?

I believe if that's the desire god put in my heart that he's prepared for that. Influence is a good thing. it only becomes bad when the influencer is leading the people astray. I believe so more now than a few years ago because it wouldn't validate what I'm doing in my mind it would just be an opportunity to reach more than I ever have. Part 2 I believe I have what I need from God to reach those He sent me to. If I didn't believe there wasn't anything to offer I probably wouldn't do it.

Ask me some questions about anything.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chris Webber's Star of the Week

How important do you think it is for youth to be involved in community activities as well as church functions?

I'm not an "activity person. i rather they be involved with community period. What I mean if you are involved with community being involved with activities is a byproduct. Being involved with people as Jesus was is the most important thing. If you have relationship with people you can minister to their needs because you have invested in their life. We are the church that assemble in a church building. We are the hands and feet of Jesus to reach out to our community and ultimately the world. When people know you care you can create unity and accomplish whatever that community needs to do.

Ask me some questions about anything.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

what is you favorite food? xD

Chicken. Then Mac and Cheese.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

why do you believe in Jesus?

Because when I put my faith in him many years ago He's proven himself real and faithful in my life over and over again. I believe in HIM and not necessarily the religious establishment claiming to be Christianity. I believe, study, pray and obey the Bible.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You decide.

Your outlook can "color" the way you see things. A lot of times I used to just go by my own perception and really miss out on a lot. You should never make an emotional decision because your emotions are based on temporal feelings of a given moment. When an important decision is made we need to step away from that situation and look at it as many ways as we can. The most important things is to know what God wants us to do in that situation. That overrides everything including our emotion. When we make decisions the wrong way and believe we're right it puts us on a string of events we will regret down the line. There will be a lot of explaining to do and you will realize assumption and gossip blew things out of proportion. I used to play "mind games" and "push" people away for various reason when I didn't want to do what I knew in my heart of hearts I'm supposed to. I was upset and I wasn't having it. In reality that was no different from when Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it because he was angered. We look at things in the moment and say what we are and not going to do. Then we indoctrinate our friends against something and later on when we need to do the right thing they are like "huh", "what?" all because we got emotional and spoke into our lives out of that moment. As a musician and worshipper my emotions are needed to do what God has called me to do. I used to turn them off and say "forget it" and that's not a solution. The proper way is to put my emotions in the proper place that God made them for and not to make decisions from that place but from God's Word and leading. Will you let how you feel, your hurt or emotional state destroy the destiny God has for you? You decide.

Tell me are there some things that you are easily offended by , and don't say "When people ask me what are some things you are easily offended by". ha

It's not that easy to offend me. It's usually connected with something deep or ongoing. I would say on that note inconsistency between word commitment and action.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

What would be the most exciting thing for you to do right now. Anywhere with anyone in this world.

I would love to get all the people who mean the world to me together and just have fun. The company will make whatever the activity enjoyable. You really don't always realize when you have somebody special in your life.

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Ask me some questions about anything. I'm bored out of my mind!!!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Just ask me questions. What do you want to know?

Epic Fail

It's rare you have more than one shot at something outside of yourself. It takes the will of two aligning at the same time. Looking back I've blown a lot of these things in the form of various opportunities. There are some I have not. Knowing God knows the end from the beginning and giving me the power to choose to obey or try to go my own way has been a bitter sweet trip. Many times on this trip I have tripped up but until the total evaporation of my facade I was unable to admit this. I know this opportunities have their limits as the patience of other humans. Being ruled by fear hinders movement toward your goal rendering you helpless because you are dependent on yourself. An emotional decision can alter everything. In example Moses was angry and hit the rock when god told him to speak to the rock. He never stepped into the promise land. I have a much greater appreciation of God's mercy and grace because of this. What do you do? Obey because that's all you can do. God is the only one who can pick up the pieces and deal with a heart. I admit until my world came crashing down a couple of years ago I hid my heart from everyone. I finally had to surrender it to God and say "I trust you." I may not see how something may work out but I still trust you. Epic fail is becoming so cold that the one who created you and loves you you push away because you have become so hard toward everything. I know this lonely place and many times it feels like you won't make it back from there. You have to give up that heart of stone to God so He can make it a heart of flesh again. Pliable and easy to directed by the Spirit of God. We have to repent of being so cold and let the healing in of our hearts. Then we can freely express the love inside without fear.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice

1 Samuel 15:22b "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams."

Pretty much this sums up a hard life lesson for me. Our good intentions are just that in the face of what God tells us to do and nothing more. What he wants from us is obedience. Growing up having to find my own way in many things I sort of fell in love with "control". I really defended myself and resisted being "controlled" by anyone. It seems everybody wants you to react or do something in a situation they would do. This habit was reinforced but disobeying and deceiving my parent. Then it was justified by the childish "Nobody's going to tell me what to do." Behold the rebellion. When people were trying to help I was too "rock headed" to listen. Unfortunately that hardness makes it's way to your heart. We deceive ourselves like King Saul due to this hardness believing we obeyed and believing we are justified. This took me through a season of learning to obey the voice of God. Yes I admit on in many pivotal moments of my life I let emotion, hurt and rejection rule my decisions. But there comes a time in everybody's life where you will either drop the ball or embrace what you need to do to pursue your destiny. Obedience is something society teaches us to resist. It glorifies the rebel and make them a hero. It sensationalizes criminals who break the law. We drink in the fruit of disobedience through many ways some subtle, some not so subtle.

Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Romans 2:7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:
8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

Colossians 3:22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Obedience is truly honoring God and His Word. It is putting Him first over our feeling, emotions, situations and mindsets. It doesn't really matter about the person commanding you. When I began to understand this my attitude toward obedience totally changed. My obedience shouldn't be based on reward, looking holy or advantage but to please and honor God even if people didn't see it or even understand. Obeying God as the ultimate authority. He rewards my obedience not men. Let's honor God today by Obeying Him in all things.