Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amel Larrieux "Make me whole'

If GOD told you to do something or something was a certain way why would you go in another direction?

I have a friend (who will remain nameless in this post) who talked about how he was fasting and praying and how God told him not to marry someone because it would not work and he did anyway. He had kids and it didn't work. He is wondering why. It really boggled my mind. Didn't you just say God told you not to do it and why and it happened? With God's promises, directions and commands we need to learn to endure and stay the course no matter what circumstances look like. As my friend know all too well disobedience will produce things we don't want. It doesn't change God's love for us at all but he had to go through some things. Something  that's even scarier to me is that some believers don't even seek the Lord for important life changing decisions at all. God knows the end from the beginning you would think that's a given. God created you with a purpose and inserted a desire and passion to fulfill that purpose. He knows what's best for you and what's around the corner you can't see yet. Why would e not trust him? Faith in something comes by hearing and the Bible says we should be hearing the Word of God. Are we hearing so many other things that we believe that over God's truth. Just some food for thought. 

Friday, January 27, 2012


I really value relationships in my life but quickly trusting people and just letting them in my life is another story. I really don't like to move fast unless I feel a nudge from God for a divine connection or if something strikes me quickly. My early church experience didn't help. I was more outgoing and friendly before I came to church and got saved. Being in a legalistic setting where grace wasn't properly understood and applied really hurt a lot in my life. (Hindsight is always 20/20.)  Ocne I found trust and comfort in God I became leery of people who wanted you to trust them and to expel others out of your life for them. I hate manipulation with a passion. Over the years I've learned to put my trust in God and not anything sway or take it off of Him. All my hopes and dreams and visions He placed in my heart. My obedience to Him and His Word is what can shape my life into what He has destined me to be. As far as marriage I don't really want to fit but rather complete. My relationships I want iron to sharpen iron. I can depend on God for every nuance of my life and that's what I'm striving for. Anyone I walk with I want them to have a love of God and a desire to live beyond mediocrity. His spirit in that person will bring down the walls because indeed I am still trusting Him overall. Not that I won't be disappointed or that people won't fail me it's more that I won't depend on what people do or don't do. It's not being bound to a mindset or opinion. It's freedom in trusting the one who knows the end from the beginning. My faith and trust is in Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where you have no authority your words are merely advice.

People who have no business speaking into your life really want you to model your life based on what they feel and say. Getting caught up in this is a trap. Basically God set up His order and a structure of authority for this reason. The almost non-existence of honor in our society has not helped this at all. David's honor of God showed honor to Saul being God's anointed and appointed despite his personal shortcomings. Society teaches flaws and mistakes as a reason to dishonor but God doesn't see it that way. All honor should be based on God and what He says. But society has through the media and other things have felt a mistake blemishes and takes away honor. This is an illusion since no man except Christ is perfect outside the sacrifice of Christ and His gift of grace. Now when somebody comes to shape or give you direction outside of this established authority it doesn't mean you have to dishonor them but it doesn't mean you have to heed what they say. Authority and order determines the weight of words. It is manipulative to try to establish this weight through emotion and persuasion . God's Word ultimate trumps everything and His commands but after that His order He has set comes into play. God will not speak to you what He has put in someone above you. We need to know what's from God and from people trying to evaluate with their limited minds and resources. If it's not from God's order it should be viewed as advice and handled accordingly.