Saturday, January 28, 2012

If GOD told you to do something or something was a certain way why would you go in another direction?

I have a friend (who will remain nameless in this post) who talked about how he was fasting and praying and how God told him not to marry someone because it would not work and he did anyway. He had kids and it didn't work. He is wondering why. It really boggled my mind. Didn't you just say God told you not to do it and why and it happened? With God's promises, directions and commands we need to learn to endure and stay the course no matter what circumstances look like. As my friend know all too well disobedience will produce things we don't want. It doesn't change God's love for us at all but he had to go through some things. Something  that's even scarier to me is that some believers don't even seek the Lord for important life changing decisions at all. God knows the end from the beginning you would think that's a given. God created you with a purpose and inserted a desire and passion to fulfill that purpose. He knows what's best for you and what's around the corner you can't see yet. Why would e not trust him? Faith in something comes by hearing and the Bible says we should be hearing the Word of God. Are we hearing so many other things that we believe that over God's truth. Just some food for thought. 

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