Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Is It Me?

It just seems this year has just been one of those years that everything has seemingly fallen apart. It's like being a child on a amusement ride screaming make it stop but the ride has just begun. But when I look around it seems EVERYONE I know has had a hard cross to bear. Whether the lost of a business, things, a loved one or a combination of all the above it seems the foundations of our faith are being tested. Fire for a believer is a purifying agent where for those who are against God it is a consuming force. People mistake purification for punishment. What I mean by that is people determine who you are based on what you go through and that is not fair or accurate. The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust which means when it pours down (situations and circumstances) we all are gonna get wet. We all are going to go through things we don't understand. We all will go through seasons of loss, but in those times we need to draw closer to our Father and rely on His word. It is important to remember that your testimony is what you say while being tested. You words of faith or unbelief determine the outcome. Is what you saying helping you through or hurting you more. Are you giving in to doubt and unbelief and speaking failure into your life. Determine no matter what I will not fall into the trap of speaking something God has not said into my life.


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