Saturday, August 04, 2007

No Excuses

Well it seems like that when you think you have an excuse God is very quick to take them away. While in a very challenging year all I ended up with people straight disrespecting me for whatever reasons. This year has probably given me more reasons to give up and leave the N.Y.C. tri-state area than any before. But God never tells you to look at them but yourself. The responsibility of your joy, happiness and your destiny is you. If you are with God nothing can stop you. we usually try to make something work while God is saying slow down get into my plan. It's so funny while people are disrespecting and gossiping on one side God has been opening doors of blessing on the other side. Though some trials have weighed me down they have help get rid of things that would have hindered me. Ronnie Joe Harrison taught me the only place between you and failure is an altar. That has where I have been humbling myself taking things I would walk away from. Some seasons in my life are about to permanently close not because I want them to but because it's time. When you use and abuse people God only let it happen for a season. I hold no grudges and have moved on with life. But seeds sowed and reaped I have nothing to do with. Cursed is anyone who puts their trust in man. I trust God and I will do what he will have me to do period. Judas has taken me to my cross a place of dying to myself. The sad part is he'll hang himself before the day of the resurrection.


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