Friday, August 10, 2007

Put Away The Pacifiers

We all have experiences in life that we feel aren't fair. I thought the absence of a father and the many "circumstances" were excuses for my bad habits and people blaming. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I tell you as I watched my mother follow God when it was hard, give when we had nothing and start a business basically on nothing but faith and saw God move it taught me something. It taught me either I was going to do what God said in every area of my life to the best of my knowledge at the time or I would just make excuses and blame others for my short falls. We as humans let each other down on a regular basis and no matter what life will come with hard times. The choice is will we do what God says. Is Jesus enough? Are we trying to label our own ambitions as God? Are we willing to forgive? Mercy is shown to the merciful. God says to forgive to be forgiven. I watched so many people over the years try to make it and blame everybody else when difficulties come. The Bible says it will rain on the just and unjust so everybody is going through something. Life with Jesus is not the absence of problems but the ability, mindset and spiritual fortitude to overcome them. I fail people as much as people fail me. "Cursed is anyone who trusts in man." We need to look to God as the only source and put away our pacifiers. I had to realize the past is gone and when my dad and mom remarried after 23 years that I can't recapture my childhood but have to have a relationship with my father from this point on. I can't blame the ignorance of my life and lack of teaching when truth comes in to correct. Many people love to try to correct but never receive correction. God chastens (corrects) the ones he loves. We need to not be babes when it's time for us to be eating strong meat. We control our lives. Make a change and get the beam out of the way before we reach for our brother's spec.


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