Friday, December 18, 2009

A Fork In The Road

There was a time when I was afraid of saying what I felt God was showing me or offending people. That day is gone. Years of trying to appease people have come to an end. The fear of man has been stripped from my life. I've learned (the hard way) whoever will walk with you will. Whoever doesn't will find a reason or excuse not to. The lack of focus on things eternal and shaping our lives based on things that are temporal has been a pet- peeve of mine for many years but now I realize That I'm not in conflict with it. I just have a vision and goal that does not deal with some things others will pursue or accomplish. Nothing is worse than a person not doing what God has called them to do with evidence of that unquenchable passion. The mistake is trying to get somebody else to have that same drive when that is not necessarily what God has for them. As humans we like our point of view to be in the forefront and usually don't listen to what others are saying. Rather we get offended and prepare our thoughts to respond and correct. Well I have learned to listen to people because their heart can be revealed through their words. Many people miss out on things because of this simple fact. The necessity to be right outweighs the opportunity to hear someone's heart or to learn. What I have also learned is that many people who have been familiar with you can't receive what God has given you a lot of times. It takes a mature person to have the ability to separate you from what God is speaking through you. How many of Jesus' family members were his disciples? This is the reason why some relationships are seasonal. The liberty of Christ supersedes race, class, culture, tradition and any mindset. To embrace Christ we have to die to ourselves. When someone lets go and another holds the level of agreement is lowered. When you agree it can be established but disagreement separates. We need to let the Lord do what needs to be done with these relationships and let Him lead us to a deeper more intimate relationship where we lay down what we think we know for what God says.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Full Circle.

I know i don't blog with any frequency or consistency but I really don't write online unless something really strikes me or I want feedback. I have been going through a transition where basically I don't know how this is going to end up. With basically my life plan going up in smoke 2 or so years ago I have been in survival mode. i have moved away and returned and now am part of a new ministry which i know the Lord purposed. Funny thing i wasn't headed home at all. i was moving to Columbus from WV. Then that familiar voice I know told me to just go home and God provided the way there. Not that the last two years were a total waste. I did get to experience many things and travel to Florida, Nicaragua and go to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City for my first time and met many gracious and wonderful people but it was really a season for me to recoup and learn and be before the Lord. He birthed a desire for me to start a House of prayer similar to IHOP's 24 hour format on the east coast as well as a ministry training center that also teaches practical and technical excellence in media and the arts. (Always wondered why I was a perfectionist.) Being a part of the local body of Speak The Word Christian Church and being reunited with old friends has restored some things to remembrance as this two year journey has added clarity to the vision God gave me at the age of ten. This is just a reminder that God is in control and that what He has purposed for our lives will come to pass. God shows us where we're going but not always the way we going to have to take to get there.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A new day...a new journey.

There are times in your life you just have to recognize that your life is what it is. Your past is what it is and what you do now will determine your future. Once thought to be my greatest asset is now a vice being removed. My personal defense system. Yes I will admit I blocked people from getting close to me and even misled people to believe I'm something I'm not for them to keep their distance. Some things will never change with me though. My greatest relationships are built and based on transparency, trust and honesty. I love my sincere friends and am leery when a relationship is built on what i have to offer and not who God is making me or who I am. As for my defense system it was based on fear of failure. You don't have to fail if you don't try. Other times it was settling for I knew in my heart what wasn't God's best for me at that time. (I will not clarify that statement with situations I'd leave that a mystery.) Basically I either dropped the ball or just did something that was just comfortable but not right. The thing is when you get closer to God your standards and way of living continue to rise to new levels. You need people who will grow with you and not compete with you. I am secure in who I am in Christ and don't need to prove it by religious ritual or quoting scripture. It's who I am. I'm being perfected by God as I live my life for Him. Now in my life is an emergence of a drive I haven't had for years that the circumstances of the last few year chipped away at to destroy. I am not fearful and scared into doing something based on the fear of loss. I am confident God is who He is and what He has for me is better than anything I can ask or even think. No pressure just letting patience work it's perfect work my only commitment is to God. The temptation had been was to try to fit into boxes and plans people had for me. No longer. I won't chase after approval I just really want God and who God has to walk this journey with me. I want to connect in the spirit and not know people according to the flesh. I want something that words can't describe but my spirit can bear witness with. I have settled for counterfeits in the past but now is a new day and a new way and my journey beings now.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good Morning

When it comes to my life and Christian walk I always know there is room for improvement. As I get older I'm starting to realize that to remain hungry for the things of God the people you associate and connect become a big part of that. There are friends and relationship that are seasonal and then there re those that last a lifetime. Iron sharpens iron. We all have our specialties due to our assignment but these God given relationships bring balance to each other. I thank God for these friends and co-laborers that God has connected me to in my life. As I enter this new season in life and ministry I know that these relationships and the dynamics of them may change as always but I know one thing for sure. God has blessed me with everyone I have been in contact this last year. It has been a harder year than I let on and one of digging deep inside and rebuilding foundations and settling issues. The fear of man which once plagued my life is gone and the boldness someone prophesied years ago has replaced it. We do not ask to go through the things we need we pray for God to take us out of the fire but it is the fire that refines us. The way God works with his children is remarkable in the fact that in a moment where frustration tried to flood me that a child looking for pen with an innocent trust in her eyes would remind me that I am just going through here and the purposes and dreams God showed me at the age of ten are still alive and in His hands being written one chapter at a time on the stone of my life. Ministry is my purpose and drive. I am called to serve, to love and to show God wherever I am to His glory. I realize that my life is an opportunity for those to know Christ. I trust the shaping hands of the potter more than ever. I pray that the presence of the Lord just follow you as we worship with our lives by just fulfilling what He has purposed for us in the earth.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Will of God

The Will of God for your life is something that cannot be determined by anyone but the Lord. People always want to bind you to an idea or mindset by using "Thus saith the Lord...", "This is what God told me..." or " I believe the Lord is saying...". A simple thing if God hasn't told or revealed it to you in prayer or His Word or a source that would have no privy to that information I suggest you put up a red flag. Sadly we live in a age where most people take almost all pulpit sermons as complete gospel and don't get into the Bible and study it for themselves. I didn't say books and commentaries about the Bible. I said the Bible the 66 book component of our faith. God confirms what he has said through others but as a minister I am very clear about things being my opinion and always suggest people consult with the Lord. Being born again for 25 years I've seen many good and bad things in church and ministry. The most dangerous is somebody saying you have to do something because God told them that. I've seen people change life direction because they have received a "word" and it destroyed what God was building through them. First of all things from God don't happen outside of His order and the authority He set over you. Yes the Holy Spirit uses us to encourage each other and edify but spiritual direction and life choices is another matter that this blog won't leave me time to get into deeply. Some people are like Miriam and Aaron...

(Num. 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. 2 And they said, HATH THE LORD indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken aLSO BY US? AND THE LORD heard it . )

...they speak against leadership because something they find wrong with them but not doing as David did recognize that God placed Saul there and don't touch God's anointed. God dealt with Saul but it was never through David. People with this attitude is what I like to call "parking lot prophets" who want to put their '2 cents" in and always have a "word". This is manipulation at it's worst. There is no authority, covering or even respect for the things of God because it's operating outside of His order. When I find out there is no covering over a ministry you cannot pay me to stay there. There is no accountability, no authority and no correction because they are out on their own. Another scenario is someone like King Saul who disobeys but in his mind he believes he hears from the Lord. He was a rebel from when He took it into his own hands to offer the sacrifice right before Samuel arrived. His fear of acceptance and what he wanted tainted God's instruction and ended up in his torment and demise. His rebellion led to witchcraft (trying to control and manipulate others through natural and unnatural means) and his stubbornness led to him idolizing his own opinion over the COMMAND of God.

(1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word oF THE LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.)

We must know that when God directs and guides us He knows who we respect, who is over us and what to tell them to say so we know only God could have told them that. As for somebody saying "god told me and you have to do..," we know God speaks to the person or they sense things in their spirit man a peace that confirms it's God or an unrest that lets us know we need to not do this. God's will is in His Word. He does not force man into doing anything. He wants us to obey. He made us free moral agents with the right to choose. A legalistic religious person will beat you over the head and try to make you feel bad about not doing something they feel God told them about. That's not an obligation for you they have to deal with that. Don't let manipulation, desperation, or settling determine what you should do. Seek the Lord and don't let pressure push you into a decision you may regret. Then don't let condemnation and people's reactions have the power to keep you there. Walk in the liberty Christ has given you to fulfill the purpose and plan he put you on the earth for.

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Leaven of The Pharisees

Holy Spirit has been revealing some things to me since I've been in prayer asking him to reveal his perfect will for my life. As I was reading through the life of Christ again I realized that even Satan had tried to use God's Word twisted by his own agenda against Christ. This was duplicated through the Pharisees who used tradition or what "status quo" religion was for the day against the Word of God made flesh. There is a difference between conviction and condemnation. There is crossing the line and speaking things you have no authority to. The Apostle Paul even retracted words to the High Priest once he was informed who he was. God places people in authority through office and his order. Relationship is not authority. Friendship is not that authority. David would not lay a hand on King Saul. Was Saul wrong? Yes, but David respecting God's authority did not step out of line of God's order. We make judgments when we have no clue what's going on. My closets friends have excellent communication with each other and part of it is really understanding the relationship and the authority that we have with each other. A person crosses the line when they deal in thing that the Lord did not tell them to address or they do not have the authority to address. Another problem is getting advice from other people about a situation they know nothing about or have no authority in. This destroys relationships because now assumption and trying to do the job of Holy Spirit comes into play. From experience the natural and spiritual authority has had the Word from God for my situation because God doesn't violate His own order to accomplish something. When you say and do things that God has not purposed to happen you create wounds and anything else worsens a already sensitive situation. You do not know what is in a person's mind. God is the author and finisher of our faith and he is the one who ultimately know what we really need. Sheep don't correct sheep that is why you have a shepherd. The leaven of the Pharisees is to get he public consensus against what is biblical. It sounds close enough to the truth but it is twisted with another agenda. We need to stop trying to be fruit inspectors and deal with what god gave us to deal with. The Pharisees used their authority to resist the authority of the Son of God and then plotted to kill him when they knew who he was (sounds like the parable of the vineyard owner and his son). That attitude has a form of godliness but is a rebel at heart resisting authority and tearing down to gain superiority, It is self righteous in nature proving itself by it's works but there is not love (agape) which is God himself. It is religious practice. The road of Christ is self denial and humility. Submission to God. Jesus said He only does what He sees His Father do. We can get a bunch of people to agree and call someone out but how often can we restore someone in the spirit of meekness. Do we go into the Word of God to set somebody straight or look into the mirror of the Word and be changed. Only you can answer that honestly and truthfully. Selah.

Matthew 16:12
Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Who is your confidence in?

I can admit I m a goal oriented person. There was a time where that and opinions were my barometer of how I felt about myself. Then I went to the other extreme and didn't care at all. Over the years I've discovered a very numerous amount of gifts, skills and talents in my life. With the former mindset it gave liberty to put my trust in that instead of my relationship with God. I mean if you lose focus you can not only depend on your gifts and talents you can also try to use them to prove yourself to others. Having confidence in anything other than God makes whatever that thing is an idol. This lifestyle can lead to a diminish of your prayer life. You think you're fine but your confidence is truly not in God. The truth is those things put before God we will lose. There are things that God wanted me to let go of during my life that I refused and lost anyway. Without God relationships can't have proper boundaries. I recently was having a discussion with a friend and I told them what God had told me to do in a situation but they just continued to press their perspective and proceeded to give advice that wasn't asked for. The thing is like Saul if we get a stubborn with our mindset our own ideas can even become idolatry. We don't have the right to tell somebody something other than God has directed them. If our confidence is in ourselves we think we have all the answers but we all find out there is only one God. (Yahweh) So let us examine ourselves daily to see who our confidence is in. When God tells you to do something it's not a good idea it's His will. When I pray for somebody or something daily I need to humble myself and seek God's will in these situations. His will is in His Word. I always find His Word bubbles inside of me concerning things. Whatever God leads you to do always lines up with His Word. We need to put our trust in the Lord as we pray for His kingdom to come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Psalm 71:1 IN THEE, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.

Psalms 73:28 But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

God (A Poem)

You formed me in my mother’s womb
You made me who I am
You placed creativity in me
In my hand you placed this pen
No other one accepts me like you
You love shown in action
The desire to be eternally together
A drawing stronger than physical attraction
How can I deny even knowing you?
Or deny your existence altogether?
Many believe what they want about you
But I’ve never be moved
Since I first met you at the age of ten
I have never been shaken from the truth
I acknowledge your hand guiding me to my destination
I surrender to your plan seeing beyond my situation
I recognize your gift the freedom to choose my path
I choose to follow your will as long as my days will last

-The Poet

Weathered The Storm (A Poem)

The winds blow and the rain falls
Fatigue sets in and defeat calls
But in the midst of it all the heart burns
You press through until the tides turn
With tears in your eyes you march on
Knowing you won't always be in the storm
You grab onto hope because that's all you got
Realizing you've come too far to stop
Determination rises as you dig deep
Realizing it's not time to slumber or sleep
You dreams start to materialize as the past is gone
You have not just survived, you weathered the storm

Monday, September 14, 2009

Are We Going To Invest In Our Future?

The church is at a very critical point. Faith is passed generation to generation. Yet it seems that today's youth even in the church seem misguided in the general sense. Yes there are youth on fire for God but mentoring and discipleship is missing. While everyone points the fingers about what is right and wrong or too much and not enough a generation is being ignored. Jesus displayed how to make a disciple with how he trained the 12 and they went on and did the same. In a general sense we have gotten self consumed and more interested in filling up places and sharing the words we have instead of mentoring and developing gifts. The trap is that everybody has gone back into exclusively building their own thing whether it's a group, youth ministry, etc. and has lost focus for what Christ has for us also as a collective body. Annual events and fellowships are good but it needs to go to a level where development and discipleship on a personal level comes into play. Everywhere I go I am so drawn to the youth. They are zealous and hungry for more and just need direction. All I see is people just pointing out shortcomings instead of seeing potential. No this is not an easy investment. There is a heavy cost and sometimes pain involved. The ministry of utopia has not or never will exist. We can no longer condemn and scrutinize those trying to reach the youth anymore. Instead it's time for us to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty or we will have the blood of this generation on our hands. The first key is to get out of yourself and start to give to somebody else. A big hindrance is what we want. Paul talks about denying ourselves. We preach it, tell others to do it but it's time to make it a reality in our own lives.

Matthew 9:36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

Leading By Being Led

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

The leading of Holy Spirit is the very thing that separates us from the world. It identifies us as children of God. Sadly legalism and lack of discipline has opened the door to something which I jokingly have labeled Christianease. This is when we try to determine, size up and direct somebody's walk based on what we think. Yes we use God's word and everything to do it. What I mean is making parameters for others and their walk with God based on mindset, beliefs and denominational doctrine. It's really a critical spirit disguised as zeal. There are those who have authority to speak into lives like Pastors, Elder, people who are our accountability, etc. but that's not what I'm talking about at all. It's sheep trying to lead sheep. God created order and authority for this very reason. Many of us believe our mindset and beliefs are totally right and others have to "catch up". Some of us have learned better. The renewing of your mind with the Word and doing what it instructs in daily will help change ungodly mindsets. We need to seek those things that God wants us to do. Being that people have different callings, experiences, ways the gifts of God works through their life, etc. we will not always see eye to eye but that's okay. The problem I am talking about is when somebody steps out to correct without the leading of Holy Spirit. People always want to correct but as a parent knows the way you correct each child is different based on a number of things. Doing something like that can cause damage and put a gap in a relationship because somebody might not be ready to hear something yet. This is what Holy Spirit does best and we may get to assist if we are sensitive and obedient to His voice and leading. We can't see the whole picture or understand what somebody has been or going through. We are not God just His vessels that He uses on the earth. The Lord has had me speak to people things I didn't understand why I was saying them but they were ministered to by it because Holy Spirit knew what they needed and I just obeyed instead of trying in my own understanding minister to the need. We need to get out of the way and let the Spirit of God in us lead and guide us not only in ministry but everyday life. The more you yield to God the more you understand it's not about you but it's about His Kingdom and the lost. It's easy to debate and prove you're right and admonish. But can we be the balm of Gilead to hurting people and get over ourselves?

Friday, September 04, 2009

Do we trust God or our biological clock.

The thing about life is we get these thought that are not our own about goals in life and marriage and everything else. People really try to determine who you are by what you have and have accomplished in their eyes. This my friends is a trap. People try to find fulfillment in spouses, cars, houses, wealth, status and so on. The solution is Jesus and what He has created us for before the foundation of this world. Our very existence will go beyond this world. We buy into the lies and get stuck in misery and turn around and blame God for what he gave us the freedom of choice to do. One day everybody will learn you cannot control another person's choices. We try to control people and people try to control us. The words that are spoken which are not God's word or not God's plan for our lives plant these seeds we hear to cause us to struggle with trusting God. Our heart (spirit) is what God uses to lead us not our deductive reasoning. I've seen things God has promised me come to pass but not the way I thought it would. I realized that my mindset has "interpreted" the outcome of what God was showing me. So I moved the way I thought God was speaking. Wasn't that what Abraham did. Didn't that make Ishmael. What we feed to ourselves can have a result that we have to deal with no matter how painful it is. Many times we take something that God gives us and piggy back our own ideas and things from our mindset to it. When God tells us something it is to prepare us in advance. What He wants from us is obedience and trust. We can make moves and God won't stop us. When we get the check in our spirit we need to follow that and obey what God says we should be doing. Don't think God won't mess up your plans and how you think it will go down. Are you open for what God has for you or do you think you know and want it your way. Only two people know the truth you and God.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Proverbs 18:21 KJV
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

1 Peter 3:10 KJV
For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

James 3:6 KJV
And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

I can go on quoting but the point is so many people are flippant with what they say. To accomplish the many things in my life Holy Spirit dealt with me about what comes out of my mouth. Jesus is the high priest of our confession but He can only agree with His word. The words we speak create the atmosphere of our lives. If we speak negatively we will have a negative outlook on things. This with a combination of what we feed on by hearing and seeing can change everything. Words are seeds. We see the very power of words in Genesis one.

John 6:63 KJV
It is the spirit that quickeneth ; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Jesus said that. When we speak the Word of God we speak life into our situations. Am I saying ignore what's happening? No I'm saying use the authority of the believer which is speaking the word of God and the name of Jesus instead of just speaking what you feel and then getting down in the dumps. God put the authority in your mouth. Jesus spoke to the storm and the fig tree. We need to speak the Word of God into our situations. We need to pray the Word of God for it's His promises.

Romans 10:8 KJV
But what saith it ? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is , the word of faith, which we preach ;

Psalms 119:172 KJV
My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.

God puts emphasis on what we say. He wants us to speak his Word. Faith comes by hearing and you hear what you say and have faith in it. Learn to surround yourself with God's Word and things that will build up your faith. Words are seeds. The words you speak are seeds into your future. Commit to the process to change what comes out of your mouth on a daily basis and you will see a change in your life.

Proverbs 12:18 KJV
There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

Proverbs 15:4 KJV
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.

Proverbs 16:1 KJV
The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Spiritual Connection

At the age of ten I had a vision. I was a fairly new Christian at the time but I didn't understand. I saw flashes of places I was going through and where I would eventually be. From the age of ten I have known what God has wanted me to do in this earth. Including singing, worship, preaching and eventually Pastoring. For many years I have dealt with people labeling me and "telling" me what God has wanted from my life. Sometimes I have just had to move on because frustration would be inevitable in certain environments. The problem was people try to become familiar with your talents, traits and personality and from that they determine who you are and what you can do. But there have been a few moments in my life where men of God have spoken into my life and it resounded inside of me and bore witness with everything. The Word of God is our standard and the final authority. Sin severed the spiritual connection God had with man. When God gives us Eternal Life through Jesus Christ we have to learn to live by faith as opposed to our emotions and mindsets. I realize what I have desired in life, relationships and everything is a spiritual connection that can only be produced when God is in the middle of what you are doing. It is the peace that passes understanding. It is that being on the same page because God is ordering your steps. It is not the absence of problems but the presence of God so tangible that no matter how it looks you know in your spirit this is right. How can to walk together lest they agree? For a relationship to be established there has to be agreement on a certain level and not necessarily the highest level. Agreeing with God is the highest level of agreement where you submit your will to His and offer yourself a living sacrifice. It is total obedience even when your mind, will and emotions don't agree. It is taking His Word over every fiber of your being and what you think you know. This relationship is the glue to any other relationship in your life. Death to self will help you to be successful in any relationship. Balance is the key to life. Both parties must be as equally committed to the other in spiritual things for it to work. The natural everyday will change or not change over the years. The spiritual connection is the foundation that will determine how any relationship will grow. Some people will not follow God with reckless abandon and that's okay. But if they try to connect to someone who will it will be a strain on the relationship. Perception and what a person is willing to do is important. These things can't be taken lightly or avoided. When a person is connected to God they will be able to hear what God is saying concerning you and be obedient to do what God wants done. Don't settle for the familiar connection, trust God and wait for the spiritual connection.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How Do You Relate To People?

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Have you ever heard somebody say (even yourself) that somebody is your problem. We tend to think that if somebody is removed from our life things will be easier. Anybody who has moved place to place realizes every where you go you run into the same types of people and personalities with new names and faces. The problem is how we relate and or relate to people who are in our lives. As a child of God we have to remember we are in a spiritual fight. at one time Peter heard the greatest revelation from God (you are the Christ) and then later Jesus had to look at Peter and say get behind me Satan (talking to the spiritual influence). Many times we take something said as an offense and don't realize there are other things at work even in your day to day life. You can be easily sidetracked by fighting something that was spiritual in the natural. Renewing our minds with the Word of God is very essential with prayer and communication with God to know the difference. Many people who are offended rarely mention it and begin to withdraw themselves from people and situations. This is not a solution. This is a setup for if you don't learn to deal with certain things in life the enemy will use it over and over again to stop you from moving forward. In the Bible Joseph had to face his brothers, Moses had to face Pharaoh, Israel had to face the Philistines and so on. Passivity and fear keep us from doing what God wants. These men took the problem head on with the leading of the Holy Spirit. That time has come for Christians especially now. We have put down the Armor of God (Ephesians 6) for the weapons this world uses. Yes we are supposed to vote, legislate, etc. but there are things that Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we wrestle against. Things in this world will not change without prayer and evangelism. We often forget this is all about souls not our little piece of life we want to claim. The selfish state of sin has crept into the church where it's about my stuff. We want things in our lives and we must realize that anything God has not put together, ordained or is in the center of is doomed to fail miserably. If we keep this in mind that "vulgar" person will become a soul that will need Christ. That 'offensive' person will be first on our prayer list and to be blessed by us. Then seeking his kingdom first all the things we want and need will be added to us. If we relate to people how God sees them we will see the healing of not only our nation but the world.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Don't Get Mad

Over the years I learned that many frustrations with others and what they do is an indicator of internal issues that are unresolved within ourselves. These things offend us. Though that is not always the case I really wanted to explore this in my blog.

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

The Word of good is key component to keep us out of offense. When we let things other than the Word of God rule in our life, opinions and the way we see things offense is easy. It's like pinned up resentment that is waiting to burst over. Avoiding an issue or just trying to leave it like it doesn't matter is a setup in any relationship. The issue will return. The offense may even be deeper than the issue at hand.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The Word of God looks beyond the surface to reveal these things if we submit to it revealing things we don't even know about ourselves in the process. Why we think and act the way we do. It reveals our mindsets and motives. Nothing can be hidden from it. The Word doesn't consider what was done to you but how will you respond to it in your personal walk.We are supposed to forgive and not hold that root of bitterness in our heat against others. We are not even supposed to spread that offense to others.

James 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Finally we must do what the Word of God has revealed to us and not what we think to see the effects of it in our lives. You can see you are jacked up in a mirror but if you don't fix yourself up at that moment you'll forget how bad you looked. We need to continue in the perfect law of liberty by walking it out. What you do is what stays a part of your life. This is where the Word of God becomes more than head knowledge and it becomes action that is demonstrated to the world for the glory of God. That's the goal for Jesus to be demonstrated in the earth realm. While everybody reacts typically you now have an opportunity to effect a life for eternity.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sorting Things Out

As people we want to be able to naturally see what God has promised us. Sometimes we are like Abram and jump the gun before we know how God is going to accomplish what He promised. Nevertheless we now have a situation that can't be reversed and there will be ramifications in the flesh for it. Pride stops us from admitting the truth but humility lets us move on quickly and get to the promise. The danger in these situations is the settling factor where most people try to make something work or want something so bad they don't care how it looks. Most people think they can change a situation and/ or people. I have a news flash for you, only God can change a person and they have to submit themselves to Him. That facade is why a lot of marriages end in divorce and why most ventures and friendships don't last. Your closet friends are in your life because they want to be for the right reasons. The people who want something from you come and go. God desires to give us more than we ask or even think but we have to be patient and let Him. The advice and opinions of others don't count when God has declared or commanded something. What we feel does not determine the will of God either. It's faith in what He said or promised not what we have determined is His will. For anything to work in the Kingdom of God thee HAS to be a level of agreement. When we agree with God and have faith in what He says we have then it comes to pass. When we have agreement with another human being then we can walk with them and accomplish things. The way to sort things out is to be clear on what we are agreeing on and having faith for. Two visions clashing is confusion. We need to set our plans aside and submit our will to God's will. That's where joy, freedom and the proper use of the gifting in your life happen. Sort those things out and stay in the lane God purposed you to be in from before the foundations of the earth.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Know (Poetry)

You know each step I take,
What I desire, even what makes my heart aches
You know every desires in my heart,
My goals and dreams, even when I don't know where to start
You know what I believe,
Where I'm deceived and what I can can achieve
You know what I need,
Over what I want so you can always intercede
Take me the clay and place me on the potter's wheel
Spin the table and shape me into your will
You are my creator and the captain of my soul.
What you created me to be. You know.

Listening And Communicating. A Good Way To Know For Sure

Have you ever been in a situation and realize the person you are trying to do or tell something to is not on the same page with you? It's funny but if we are honest with ourselves we usually don't listen. We just are hearing enough to formulate our own answers. I experienced this when somebody asked me questions I really didn't care to answer. After driving me down a beaten path they tried to "call me out" as if I had issues to which I said a Biblical retort. Pretty much that subject was over. This got me thinking about how to effectively communicate. I found in my studies (very loose study) that on the average we don't listen intently which is not a crime. But instead of trying to shape somebody's mindset you have to first try to understand that mindset on a certain level to communicate. Even to get the lowest level of agreement there has to be understanding. We all don't think the same. We are a product of our choices and experiences. Most of us take that as what we live by. A Christian is supposed to live by the Word of God. The conflict begins with standards. If one person has a standard and the other person just cuts them off like it doesn't matter you have just created separation whether you realize it or not. What you think is going is not necessarily the way it was received. This is where a relationship can fall if this is not corrected early because it WILL come back later and if the person continues to push it aside resentment can begin to come into play. As a person who tries to understand as well as I can it hurts when that is not returned to me at all. You know some people won't be too deep but an effort means the world to somebody. I being honest and open have had to learn to pull back. Another thing is that you may not be able to share everything you want to if the person you are dealing with can't handle it. The bottom line is really listening to a person and making an effort to communicate whit them is a good start. People don't change over night and passions and issues don't just go away. In fact they will be the things that come in between a relationship at any level.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Want More Than This World Can Offer

Since the age of ten when I had my first major encounter with God I have always wanted more than the status quo. The biggest injustice has been people with their advice trying to get you to live on their level of faith whether less or even more. We can't choose for each other or walk in another person's shoes. Christianease and cliches have slowly and sarcastically sucked the compassion out of the Body of Christ. We have to been reduced to trying to be relevant instead of effective. We try to win souls by intelligence and intellect instead of example and Holy Spirit drawing. A foreign minister came to America and this was his synopsis loosely phrased. "I'm amazed how much the American church can do without God." What I desire to see I always know when I see it. It's more than the world can offer a man. It goes beyond presentation and excellence (though those are important) but it's the presence of God not only in a service but in a life. We don't realize what gets rejected is God and not us. People try to counsel and reason in their mind but the truth is if somebody is rejected Jesus said it because they are rejecting me. The Pharisees had a form of godliness that was impressive enough for the masses but when the Son of God himself came it was exposed. Being a living sacrifice is deemed as a reasonable service. Ronnie Joe Harrison taught me at least one thing. The only thing between you and failure is and altar. That means you are the problem and need to die to yourself. In the me church generation that won't preach. But then you have something the world cannot offer because to them it costs too much. if church time is all we as believers have in common and can't even communicate outside of a building we missed it. You might as well be my co-worker. Since many of my friends I communicate with live no where near me anymore I feel that void in my own life now. I never understand when people can't have a relationship with you outside of services and events. To me it equates to a facade. I miss being in places where we fellowship and hung out beyond church. It really hurts because it really means people want who they want in their lives not the people God sends to challenge their lives. The world can offer that but relationships sent by God only are beneficial because the iron sharpening iron will define you both. We like it easy with our perspective but we are not teachable. Being teachable is the most valuable asset a man can posses. When we're teachable and willing to shed our "box" of religious comfort you will see God beyond religious knowledge you will begin to know the God you thought you served. A sermon or programs can't teach you that. The only thing that can is something the world can't offer a true relationship and fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.

John 17: 3
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

God's Word
This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Call, The Gift And The Purpose

The older I get the more I realize that purpose, the call and the gift of God is always in your life. But the fallacy is that these things are what are being developed. I beg to differ of course. What gets developed I believe is character, discipline and maturity. Most people have the wrong response when hardship comes against them. At least I'm willing to admit it. A lot of people discredit you if they meet you during a time of hardship. The Bible says it rains on the the just and the unjust but there is this thinking in the some churches that follow the mentality of Job's friends. You could try to pin this on Joseph. Was it a sin to tell a God given dream? Are we not supposed to write the vision and make it plain? God used the very jealousy of his siblings to his purpose. The dreams were the gift, the call was to be second in Egypt, the purpose was to save God's people and preserve the nation Christ would come through. Even in slavery the call was evident. He ruled on whatever level he was. The gift is what got him in the pit and eventually in front of Pharaoh. The purpose wasn't seen until the fulfillment of the dream had come to past.

Gen. 15:19-21 And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them.

This generation has not really been taught to endure anything for Christ sake or the purposes of God. Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison and yet the one who threw him in there had to get wheat from him in the famine. What I am trying to say is that NOTHING can stop what God has for you except quitting or settling. What if Joseph had been pleased with running Potiphar's house and just gave in to his wife and really had lost everything? What if Joseph refuse to reveal the meaning of the dreams to the butler and the baker because he felt the gift god gave him was a curse? What is he utterly destroyed his brothers as a final act of revenge? You know these were very possible options and attitudes he could have had. But Joseph had character, discipline and maturity. He realized that whatever was happening to Him was for the purpose of God. He feared God. He walked in his call along the way and was ready when the moment came upon Him. What are you letting sidetrack you today. Don't let what God has placed in your path to bless you be the thing that stops you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Emotional Roller Coaster

I believe God gave us emotions and indicators and not decision makers. Let me explain. Faith pleases God and He rewards us for obedience. He knows how we feel and comforts us but doesn't change what His Word says. Sometimes we have to do things not because they feel right but because they are right. Our emotions many time have us consider things we shouldn't if they are in the driver's seat. Once back in Bible College somebody forced me to make a decision on the spot instead of letting me make it properly. It ended our endeavor together. They asked for what I felt in the moment instead of letting me make the right decision. It upset them but I asked them not to do that as I was handling a few other things I was responsible for that night and my mind was truly elsewhere. When we base our lives on how we feel totally we are not consistent. Everybody s riding the emotional roller coaster daily. When something happens and we are emotional effected it changes our outlook on things. It causes us not to always consider what may have happened, other people's situations, circumstances or that somebody may be having a bad day. It's in that moment we consider ourselves and determine what's real based on how we see it. Making a decision in that mindset may cost you more than you expected. Just as we shouldn't make emotional decision how you feel shouldn't change what God says about something. Following God will cost you things that people will not understand why you are doing something. Being obedient to God doesn't always feel right or seem like the right choice but it's necessary for your life and destiny. The emotional pull of losing what you know for what at the moment is a mystery is huge. It's in those time we learn to exercise our faith and trust God regardless of what we feel. There were things I've had to give up which weren't evil but not what i needed because of where I had to go. Your emotions can stop you from even fulfilling your destiny if not put in the proper place. Love is not an emotion. God is love He is not an emotion He is what love is truly make of. Love casts out all fear. Fear is an emotion. Fear will drive you to the wrong decision and "short circuit" your faith. So what helps us control this. The Word of God.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10: 17

What is faith?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:1-3

And finally...

(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 2 Corinthians 5:7

In Hebrews 11 this is how many walked into their destiny not knowing but trusting and making decisions the right way.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Putting Our Focus In The Right Place

James 1:22 Do what God's word says. Don't merely listen to it, or you will fool yourselves. 23 If someone listens to God's word but doesn't do what it says, he is like a person who looks at his face in a mirror, 24 studies his features, goes away, and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 However, the person who continues to study God's perfect teachings that make people free and who remains committed to them will be blessed. People like that don't merely listen and forget; they actually do what God's teachings say. (God's Word)

Most of the Christian life I believe is wasted looking at others and critiquing their "level of spirituality" but the real critique should be the man you face in the mirror. Have you ever realized how easy it is for you and a friend to spot somebody's shortcomings. It is very easy if you are honest with yourself. Mot of us are what I call "fruit inspectors". We are eager to judge the spiritual "fruit" of ministries, ministers and other people. One problem man can only see the outer appearance and God knows the heart of a man or woman. God has given us the Word of God as a mirror and a standard to compare ourselves to. (I hope you already know it's not good to compare yourself to other people.) Let's say we awake for our day and go to the mirror and don't fix ourselves up and hit the streets. After a while you'll wonder why all the strange stares because you forgot what you have seen in the mirror and have gone on with your day. The mirror gives us a true view to correct our appearance before we leave and forget what we really look like. The problem is we want to be the mirror or have the authority of the mirror in other people's lives. That authority and place belongs to the Word of God alone and was not given to you for good reason. We have enough on our plate with having to apply God's Word in our own lives. Even with that said Holy Spirit is working that Word within us to do His good pleasure. It's easy to see what others do and ignore or excuse our own short comings because we want to do our thing. You have already forgot what you looked like in the mirror. God help us keep the focus where you placed it, in Your Word.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Who's in Charge of Your Life?

Then Samuel said, "Is the LORD as delighted with burnt offerings and sacrifices as he would be with your obedience? To follow instructions is better than to sacrifice. To obey is better than sacrificing the fat of rams."

In life sometimes we make decisions without even considering what God says. This usually brings us to the place where God deals with us to reconsider what we have done. Many times we press on and endure and try to make things work when we know in our heart of hearts what we should be doing. The obstacle of our pride can be in the way of our obedience to God. King Saul had a similar problem in the book of 1 Samuel. He had let becoming king go to his head and forgot who put him there. He was more concerned with what a king should do rather than obeying the Lord. He may have seemed just and right in people's eyes but his disobedience cost him the throne. The opposite of that was Abraham. He was obedient and put his trust in God and God provided what he needed. Saul wanted to be in the drivers seat of his life while Abraham yielded to the will of God. As we know Abraham's seed lives on today while Saul's was cut off forever. What is it in your life today that you are in the drivers seat of and not letting God have the say but your own mindset, your way of doing things or even fear have control over. Anything you put before God you will lose anyway. (learned this the hard way before) and anything He has not ordained should not be in your life in the first place. We must humble ourselves and obey what God wants because He knows what we need even more than we do. We settle for what we can see. We need to hold on to what God says and obey and see it manifest in our lives. So I ask who's in charge of your life?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Embrace It!

Romans 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

James 1: 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

It's great when we sign up for it but when we enter it we sometimes want to retract our prayers. Who really loves going through tough stuff. I like it when you're on the other side of it and it's over. But it seems that when we get away from our focus that these things that happen are designed to us draw us closer to Him. I say this a lot "Everybody points out Judas but few are there when you bare your cross like John". The truth is outside of the compassion Christ has placed in us we as humans left to our own nature are selfish and self seeking creatures. We try to care the best way we know how but there is a limit. Even when somebody has gone the extra mile for us if we don't understand what God placed in us through His Son we only have sympathy (which is a emotional exchange, a pat on the back then we move on with our lives). We don't know like when Jesus touched the women at the well it will affect an entire city. We don't go through things for ourselves but so that this life, this hope that is placed in us can be demonstrated by action. Jesus told the disciples to follow me. Jesus only did what the father told Him to do and created a movement that still rocks the world today. But He had to go the garden, the trials, the abuse and the cross. This is the part of the Christian walk that is not easy and many of us don't understand. He was hated because what He preached and lived rock "the political and religious boat" of the time. It challenged dead tradition and introduced the new covenant. It angered the rulers and religious leaders of the day. Imagine if Jesus said I have no sin and man is on His own. We would be in bad shape. No Jesus exampled what we should do in these situations. Even when we were enemies of God Jesus died for us. He was MOVED with compassion. He bore His cross that led to the glorious resurrection. Let's embrace this cross in our life. It may even baffle the "disciples" in our life but when the dust clears the greater plan of God will shine through.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Behold The Dreamer

We all have dreams and aspirations. When we know God gives us a dream we don't know what road it will take us down. Joseph experienced this dilemma. When he had his dream it made his brothers jealous. At the time he didn't even know how it would happen. But sharing his dream set off a chain of events that wasn't pleasant but necessary for his dream to become reality. When God gives you a dream He knows what he has placed in you to fulfill it. At this stage since it is in raw undeveloped form others can't see it and suggest for you to do things that they think you are good at. Do not fall for this. Even though standing for your dream may get you thrown into a pit it's important that you don't let it go. Don't get discouraged when people ask you to articulate it and they don't understand. It's not for them to understand, yet. The pit is an unpleasant place of uncertainty. Joseph's brothers wanted to murder him but one stood up hoping to return him to his father. Finally the others just sold him into slavery. Joseph eventually was sold to Potiphar. He found favor and prospered and was put in charge. But this was not the dream or the promise. He was still a slave. We having survived the pit might want to get comfortable here because even though we are in a strange land thing are good and pleasant. But before we get too comfortable God will send Potiphar's wife. Our world get turned around because we are not yet where we need to be. We have a choice like Joseph to be faithful to God and the dream He has given us or compromise and sin to maintain our comfort and keep what we have. Many of us sell out the dream for power, prestige and position. We lose sight of who we serve and serve other things for self promotion. We literally sell out to things that are well below what god has planned for us because we get comfortable somewhere. For those who press the next stop is prison even though we are completely innocent. In prison Joseph even had favor and was in authority. His gift for interpreting dreams was working for others but it seemed He was doomed to rot in jail. This is where the temptation to just give up comes into play. It seems to everyone in the world you made the wrong choice. Potiphar has condemned you and it seems nobody can help you. You fell abandoned and deserted. This is a time of humbling to realize that God is in control and not ourselves. It's a hard but necessary step in the process. This is where we learn, humility, compassion and forgiveness. When we are here we are on the brink of blessing and fulfilling what god has purposed us for. Finally God causes something to happen that we are remembered. We prepare ourselves to meet the King. Finally the gift God placed in us is revealed and we are put where God wants us to be to fulfill His purpose and plan. The last step was the dream being fulfilled and everything being restored to it's place. Joseph saved his family going through the entire ordeal and wasn't teased about his dream anymore. He wasn't vengeful but grateful that regardless the circumstances that he had to endure. There was a plan that God had set in motion that was beyond what he and his brothers had even imagined. Be encouraged that your present suffering will not be able to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in you through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Let's Just Be Honest

Jesus said His words are spirit. We know words have the power to create and destroy. Even if you don't hear the words from a person when you finally do hear them they still have the effect of a Mike Tyson punch in your gut. That feeling is rejection. I grew up feeling that way. Joseph felt that way from his brothers words and eventually their actions were a culmination of what was in their hearts. Yes this is when then "honeymoon period" is over and the true thoughts of the heart are revealed. These words create distance. I even seen people who have spoken these thing wonder why somebody has distanced themselves. Let's be honest we think because something is said "behind closed doors" or in our inner circle that they will not effect anything. Not true. That's one reason God is going to make us account for every idle word. (I myself being very verbal have a lot to account for.) If we are only as good as our word we are all in trouble. God doesn't edit our conversations for our benefit (though I wished it worked that way). Our private words lead to public action just like Joseph's brothers. A problem with what we speak is how we believe or think. We belittle people and think we are better than them. A true leader know a follower is 50% of what they are so a sense responsibility is in place. A true leader disciples while other so-called leaders use. You can tell the difference once the "honeymoon period" is over. A lack of concern for God's people lets us be flippant with our words. We are truly only concerned with us and ours only. True we can only do so much for others but most of us do nothing. Our contempt will always surface giving what i call a "red flag" of warning. We need not sow it. But also to protect ourselves we must look to God for acceptance and what we need and see people as vessels who can miss it. If we had it all together we wouldn't need Jesus would we?

Monday, February 09, 2009

If God Doesn't Say It Why Do We Do It?

The older I get the less I get. I wonder how many people among the living are also among the thinking. Much of the information we share with each other is regurgitated rhetoric from some source we "trust". Even Biblical doctrine has sadly become heavily based on this. The myth of tolerance only get the majority view heard and takes that a the norm without proof. The suggestion of personal study as the Bible recommends has fallen to the wayside as the microwave society takes another opinion as their own. This to me has made it frustrating as in the "so-called church" you see souls get moved away as a priority. If a person of a certain look, culture, race or social background comes into a house of worship they are an inconvenience rather than an opportunity to show God's Eternal Life. If they are welcomed the other problem is that they have so much doctrinally shoved down their throats that they run in fear. They are babes and need to be weaned. The culprit is church being a success by numbers of people not in developing successful people. I always felt learning how to live the Christian practically has been missing when training a new believer. Don't get me wrong there are churches getting it done. Not as much as there used to be sadly. Heavy revelations are good but for those starting out they need to know about the gift God gave them. Discipleship is key but has to been done properly if you expect those new disciples to make more. One key problem is that people don't know the basics of the faith. Most ministries teach off of their drives and forget to give the basics. Leaving these disciples open to be pulled by any wind of doctrine because they just don't know. Another reason this is done is selfishness. If you don't have a heart for others you won't do things for them that won't benefit you. But Christ lived that way. This fact to me is the most scariest. There are people who ask why i don't just cut people completely off because of something that was done or perceive done. I always answer why should I? What gives me the right? I know what gives other the right. They are on the throne of their lives and don't see the damage done to The body of Christ by such behavior. Just because you don't stay connected and God moves someone gives no right to cut them off or drag them through the mud with your mouth and actions. Words separate once spoken and even if never verbalized though the parties the weight of them not repented for are a weight between relationships. Most relationship just go on that way. These couldn't exist if we taught the basics of Eternal Life to our new believers. I personally believe if we can't agree on the foundational things agreement concerning anything else will never be possible.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Seeing What God Wants

I am thoroughly convinced that if people understood God in the way scripture shows Him the would be slow to give their synopsis of what they perceive. There are moments when we are not hearing from the Holy Spirit and we move on what we think, would do or how we see a situation. My friend reminded me of something I said a few months ago. I basically said you can't make an elbow a knee. Yes they both bend and do similar things but an elbow on your leg would be out of place and wouldn't work right. I learned to be careful before I speak now. Being a very passionate and emotional person who takes things to heart I must be careful not to engage in things too much that God didn't call me to war in. I've found God raises up people for certain tasks and sometime those things are not your heart. The problem is that we get so passionate and sold out that we want everyone to see what God has called us to do that way. Not going to happen. Does it mean they don't believe in it or support you? Of course not. That's a childish mentality. Remember when you would go to do something wrong when you were a child? You didn't want to do it alone. You would convince and bagger your friends until they went. As Christian adults we shouldn't do that we should find people who want to go with us then we will have people who stay the course because they're heart is in it. There are many things I have the ability to do, then there are things I love to do. Put me behind an instrument, soundboard, training or working with kids and youth then I'm in the zone. Try to make me do things that I can do but don't love I become frustrated and lash out. The problem is that we see a gift or talent in somebody we want to fit them into our call and plans or ride their coattail. Instead we need to ask God what did you create them to do. When I pick people to train I always ask God to show me the hidden ability not developed or mentored yet and then go from there. Needs are real but putting somebody where they won't thrive can be detrimental to not only their gift but Christian walk. Using somebody but no caring what God has for them can birth bitterness. (I have ben there a few times and refused to do it again.) When God shows me something I want to know is it time or should I just start preparing in this season. Timing in life is pivotal. I believe we want somebody who can come into the church and go gung ho instead of training what God has already placed in the house. We wear somebody out physically and mentally and wonder what happened because we did not even watch over who God put in our care. I usually find that when youth are active in a church they fill gaps that lack but most churches don't invest in their future. We need to step back and ask God what to do with what He has placed in our hands and be responsible for it.